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Category: Healthy Life Tips

12 Tips How to Easily Shed Pounds

Following this 12 crucial tips, you will definitely lose some weight and keep it off. Remember that healthy soul goes by healthy body. 1. Water It is crucial to drink lots of water. Always drink …

Exotic fruits and their health benefits

These interesting and a little bit weird fruits, actually are very nutritious. Read more about their health benefits and make them be part of your healthy diet. Buddha’s hand Buddha’s hand is also called the …

Fruit For Health

Here is a list of top 10 fruits, the fighters of 20 natural diseases and their sweet and juicy benefits. Next, go to your closest food market and pick your favorite ones. Raspberry ½ cup=32 …

6 drinks for a flat tummy

Summer is finally here and most of the women want to look good in swimsuits. If you want to lose a couple inches before the holidays begin, especially around the stomach area, these drinks will …

The Aloe Vera Benefits

Aloe Vera is fabulous and very powerful plant, known as “plant of immortality“. Aloe Vera was used long time ago, ancient Greek used it for cure for everything, from insomnia to baldness. Even, Cleopatra applied …

21 Tips to Stay fit & Healthy

Far too often fitness is presented as complicated & confusing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Being fit & healthy is an outcome from living the following simple everyday practices. Throw out your big …

What to eat to beat bloating

Poor digestion or too much sodium can cause fluid building up between cells in your body. That is reason which  can actually cause bloating. But, if you pay attention to what you’re eating, you can …

12 Surprisingly Useful Health Tips

To suppress your craving for food when you are trying hard to lose some weight, here are some surprisingly useful health tips to start your healthy diet and healthy way of life. Drink a big glass …

The key to motivation

Here are some motivating  tips for a healthier life. Keep a food diary Set it out like this – Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner.  Record what you ate, followed by the calories. At  the end, …

Spices That Can Help You to Lose Weight

The ultimate power of spices is uncovered as weapons against illnesses, diseases and weight loss. It is known that spices tend to be used in native India as traditional medicals against heart and cancer diseases. …

The amazing benefits of bananas

Bananas have many health benefits and here are some good reasons why to to add them to your diet. Bananas fight depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, blindness …

Seeds, Small but Mighty

Seeds are an important part of a healthy diet. This type of food helps you reach your recommended intake of protein and daily fat. Seeds benefit your health because offer key essential nutrients and play …

Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skin

Certain foods have powerful ingredients and nutrients that keep skin supple and smooth and help fight age-related damage, keeping the skin fresh and healthy. Walnuts Full with natural fatty acids and minerals, walnuts can make …