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Month: July 2014

Top 10 Jewelry Trends for Summer 2014

Jewelry has transforming power. Even the simplest outfit can experience transformation and every style can turn in outfit worthy of admiration with a few carefully chosen pieces of jewelry. Do not forget your special jewelry …

Pineapple Greek yogurt smoothie

This nutritional smoothie awesomeness is high in protein and rich in vitamins (Vitamin C and E), potassium, manganese and soluble fiber. Pineapple Greek yogurt smoothie features a great nutritional punch: pineapple, Pineapple Greek Yogurt, coconut …

Healthy tuna recipes

To make your salad more nutritional, you can add various healthy foods, including protein sources like beans, chicken or tuna. But if you love the taste of tuna, here are some easy and very delicious …

Top 5 model beauty secrets

Top models reveal their beauty secrets to looking beautiful, fit, relaxed and healthy. Natasha Poly`s beauty secret Breakfast: My favorite best breakfast that keeps me healthy is egg whites, wheat toast, spinach salad and fresh orange juice. Skin care …

What to Put in a Diaper Bag

A well prepared diaper bag actually can save the day of every mom. To prepare your diaper bag as quickly as it can, first start to point and figure out what is necessary and you …

Nutrition Facts of Water

Water is crucial for the human body to function. The body cannot store water, so we need fresh supplies every day for performing every metabolic process. Not drinking enough water, actually can  increase the risk …

Vanilla yogurt smoothie

This tasty morning smoothie is perfect for an on-the-go weekend… This smoothie is rich in soluble fiber and is naturally low in fat and processed sugar. If you want to enjoy the unique texture and …

Wedding inspiration from Galia Lahav

The wedding fashion brand “Galia Lahav” is recognized in Israel and abroad with huge prestige. This fashion house is a world most renowned, which defines a new era of elite and privileged fashion for women …

12 Tips How to Easily Shed Pounds

Following this 12 crucial tips, you will definitely lose some weight and keep it off. Remember that healthy soul goes by healthy body. 1. Water It is crucial to drink lots of water. Always drink …

Top 10 must have shoes for summer 2014

From bright color slinky sandals to exotic espadrilles, are the fashion details that count for this summer shoes trend for women. Shoes are the most reachable way into the new season trends. If you cannot …

Exotic fruits and their health benefits

These interesting and a little bit weird fruits, actually are very nutritious. Read more about their health benefits and make them be part of your healthy diet. Buddha’s hand Buddha’s hand is also called the …