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Category: Parents and Kids

Making Love During Pregnancy

Are your intimate needs increased during your pregnancy or making love is the last thing that comes across your mind? Here’s all you need to know about making love during pregnancy: Is It Safe? It’s normal to be …

Why Babies Cry and How to Calm Them Down

All babies cry. Even when he’s healthy, your newborn baby will spend 1-3 hours a day crying. Babies aren’t capable of doing anything and that’s why you need to make sure they’re comfortable and have …

Help Your Child to Get Friends

Friendship is an important part of everyone’s life, especially for children. One of the most important things in your child’s development is having social skills and being able to become friends with other kids. All …

15 Baby Photos You Must Take

The birth of your baby is a precious moment. Taking care of this little creature is no easy mission; it’s full with sleepless nights but also with unforgettable moments full with joy and happiness. Your …

You Know You’re a Mother When?!

You know you’re a mother when: 1. One look from those tiny, adorable eyes is enough to melt you down. 2. You’re prouder for someone else’s success rather than your own. Taking his first steps, …