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Category: Healthy Life Tips

Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a degenerative and painful condition that causes pain, inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Doctors treat arthritis with painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills, but unfortunately medications have many side effects. There are natural ways …

Cherry – The Queen of Health

We’re thrilled that the cherries season has began! They’re refreshing, delicious and extra healthy. They’re so healthy that some people call the tasty cherry- the queen of health. Here are the 5 health benefits you …

Can Too Much Vitamin D Be Toxic

More and more Americans are using vitamin D supplements and there have been some concerns whether too much vitamin D can be toxic. A new study has shown that there aren’t any side effects of …

Mistakes We Do When We Eat Breakfast

It’s scientifically proven that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a meal that can help you improve your health. Many people skip breakfast or choose a quick breakfast bombs full with …

What Happens if You Eat Only 7 Walnuts a Day

Did you know that walnuts contain the highest level of antioxidants? A research made by the University of Pennsylvania has shown that walnuts are rich in antioxidants that help your organism fight against free radicals …