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Tag: weight-loss

12 Tips How to Easily Shed Pounds

Following this 12 crucial tips, you will definitely lose some weight and keep it off. Remember that healthy soul goes by healthy body. 1. Water It is crucial to drink lots of water. Always drink …

21 Tips to Stay fit & Healthy

Far too often fitness is presented as complicated & confusing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Being fit & healthy is an outcome from living the following simple everyday practices. Throw out your big …

The key to motivation

Here are some motivating  tips for a healthier life. Keep a food diary Set it out like this – Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner.  Record what you ate, followed by the calories. At  the end, …

The Basic Exercises for Weight Loss at Home

These exercises can help you lose weight easier, actually a few inches off the waistline. They are very simple yet useful and you can do them at home. Remember that staying in a good shape with do-it-yourself …

Spices That Can Help You to Lose Weight

The ultimate power of spices is uncovered as weapons against illnesses, diseases and weight loss. It is known that spices tend to be used in native India as traditional medicals against heart and cancer diseases. …

Workout tips for losing weight properly

You may eat healthy and work out faithfully, but there are some other things you should do and need to rethink how your exercise routine goes. There are some reasons your workouts may not be …