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Category: Fashion and Beauty

The Silk Dresses Your Closet Needs

The fashion world has so many different types of dresses: denim dresses, t-shirt dresses, prom dresses, wedding dresses, and so on. The list could go on for eternity, but there is something special about a …

Why the Corset Keeps Coming Back

There is a wide variety of reasons why lingerie, and specifically the corset, keeps coming back into mainstream fashion. From the way the corset is treated in television and media to the general desire to …

Why You Need to Wear Sunscreen in Winter

If you’re singing ‘baby it’s cold outside’ lately, you might have been tempted to ditch the SPF.  Whether you’re shivering through a cold snap or just dealing with the shorter days, the cooler season is …

2022 Streetwear Trends

Vintage-inspired sneakers: Updated classics and vintage effects Just look at many of the new sneakers that have been released recently. Most, although designed in the current era, seek to rescue the retro style that marked …