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Tag: running

6 Ways to Make Jogging Less of a Chore

Jogging has a range of health benefits, and it is an activity that be quite easily incorporated into anyone’s lifestyle. All you need is a little bit of time and some running shoes. That’s it, …

4 Exercises That Burn More Calories than Running

Running is a great form of exercise. It promotes, cardiovascular efficiency, burn calories and it stimulates the release of those feel good endorphins that promote a happy mood. Yet, many people also find running boring, …

5 Ways Not to Burn Out on Your Run

You go for a run and you start experiencing difficulties in the middle of it. So the question is: Do you give up or you simply push it through? There are some strategies that can …

How to Lose Leg Weight Easily

Spring is coming and we’re looking forward to putting on our favorite shorts and skirts. It’s also the time when we start regretting we didn’t’ spend more time in the gym and we start noticing …

How to Cure Sore Feet From Running

Sore feet from running is a common problem for all runners. Even if you wear the most comfortable and supportive shoes you can experience feet aching after a run. The longer the run, the sorer …