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Category: Healthy Life Tips

Hymenoplasty, What is it Exactly?

The hymen is a thin membrane usually shaped like a half moon, which is naturally placed in the opening of the vagina and it breaks when the woman inserts an object for the first time …

10 Great Relaxation Tips for Busy Women

Women in the corporate or business world go through many stressors on a day to day basis. Even though you have little time to yourself, you must find ways to relax because your physical and …

Tips on How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

As you should already know, your teeth are not going to last forever. At some point in the future, there is a good chance that you’ll get a cavity or your teeth will begin to …

The Health Benefits of Using a Vaporizer

Traditional smoking methods including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc produce harmful smoke that contains a number of chemicals and metals that are carcinogenic and toxic. These chemicals are usually a mixture of tar and nicotine. What …

5 Reasons to Consider Donor Egg IVF

As fertility technologies advance, using fresh or frozen donor eggs in conjunction with IVF treatment is an attractive, more accessible option for women struggling to conceive naturally. Egg donation at Donor Egg Bank USA helps …

5 Great Superfoods to Cure Your Winter Cold

Miserable weather, shorter days, chilly toes and tips of ears – winter can be miserable enough without a dose of the common cold. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that we’re all likely to pick it …

Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

Weight loss is a topic that has been studied by so many people all around the world. Most of us have a vested interest in learning more about how to lose weight safely and easily. …