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Category: Healthy Life Tips

Brazilian Wasp Venom Can Kill Cancer Cells

Nobody likes wasp. They’re not helpful like bees and they have painful stingers. However, wasp venom has proven to be very useful. Some recent studies have shown that wasp venom can kill cancer cells without …

The First “Smart Pill” That Increases Brain Power

Researchers from Oxford and Harvard University claim that the pill for improving brain function “modafinil” is the first “smart pill’ that actually works. The scientists have carefully studied the pill that’s used for treating narcolepsy …

Should You Really Store Eggs In The Fridge?

Most people in the U.S store their eggs in the fridge. What you didn’t know is that people from other countries store their eggs on their counters and at room temperature. Eggs are mainly refrigerated …

Onion – The Amazing Cure For All

Onions can do wonders for your health, it can be cure for various diseases. Onion contains quercetin, a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant and anti-cholesterol properties. It has also antibiotic properties that can help eliminate …

Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

Apart from being a healthy habit and a modern trend, health drinks serve as a specific symbol of status in the contemporary society. One just cannot take it for granted that there are numerous reasons …