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Category: Fashion and Beauty

8 Aging Tips for Women Over 55

Getting older is not an easy thing to accept. Time passes so quickly, and before you know it, you’re looking in the mirror at a middle-aged person. Not to worry, however, because there are plenty …

Trying to Be Trendy on a Budget? Here’s how!

Is being fashionable one of your things? Are you always hunting high and low for the latest trends when it comes to hair, beauty, fashion, well…everything related to being drop dead gorgeous? Being trendy comes …

5 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Skin

The way you treat yourself has a considerable effect on how your skin looks. You don’t necessarily have to shell out a lot of cash for aesthetic procedures or follow an expensive skin care routine. …

The Watches Celebrities Wear, And You Can Too

Perhaps due to their fame, publicity, and lucrative earnings, celebrities are often the trendsetters in the world fashion. Talk about outfits, cars, hairstyles, shoes, and accessories, you will always have something to adopt from some …

Four Untold Myths about Breast Augmentation

A woman’s confidence lies in how feminine she looks, the features of her body that allows her to feel feminine include her breasts and curves. However, not every woman has the desired breast size. While …