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Category: Fashion and Beauty

How to Choose the Best Watch for a Woman

If you do not know what to look for, shopping for a wristwatch can be overwhelming. The market is filled with quality watches and cheap knockoffs, making it hard to choose. However, spotting a fake …

7 Essential Beauty Tips During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an integral part of the life among women. It is a period when you go through physical changes and different kinds of emotions, mainly due to the hormonal changes in your body. Although becoming …

Top 5 Benefits of Wearing Shapewear

While body positivity movements across the globe keep encouraging us to not just accept our curves, but also love them, and flaunt them, sometimes it can be a little tricky to make peace with that …

How To Dress Up A Casual Outfit

When you put on your outfit in the morning, you don’t always know where you are going to end up. This is why it is always a good idea to have some sort of way …

Buying Your First Bra: Tips For Teens

Buying your first bra can seem daunting. Finding the perfect shape, size, and fit is enough to make your head spin! But it doesn’t have to be difficult — read on for our tips for …