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Tag: balanced diet

Women’s Health Strategy for 2019

Being fit is an ongoing process, it is never complete or whole or finished. As one ages, new issues come up, the idea of health goes through an evolution, and priorities about one’s body change. …

How To Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

If you feel that you are sluggish, lacking in energy and feeling down and lethargic, then it is time for you to take your health back into your own hands and explore different ways that …

What is The Best Diet in The World

Now, here’s a million dollar question: What’s the best diet in the world? What is the best diet that will help you lose weight and improve your health? David L. Katz, the founder of the …

How to Stay Healthy

Living a healthy life doesn’t mean to give all the effort in the world. Here are 6 very simple, healthy living tips on how to stay healthy. Eat Clean Start your day by eating a …

The Basic Exercises for Weight Loss at Home

These exercises can help you lose weight easier, actually a few inches off the waistline. They are very simple yet useful and you can do them at home. Remember that staying in a good shape with do-it-yourself …