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Category: Parents and Kids

5 Reasons to Have a Baby Later in Life

If you are in your 20s, but already thinking about having a baby, this article will help you evaluate the negative side of this decision. Why Should You Have a Baby Later in Life? I …

What to Eat During a Health Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes numerous hormonal changes that, together with different nutritional needs, make food very important during this stage of life. Each phase of pregnancy (and even prior to pregnancy) requires specific nutritional …

How to Teach Your Kid to Write

As a parent, you are provided with the responsibility of teaching your kids how to write. Unfortunately, most of the parents don’t have a clear understanding on how to help their little ones with writing. …

Ways to Help Baby Learn to Walk

Along with the growth process of babies comes with the desire to go somewhere with their feet controlling their bodies. Your child will always want to walk because that is an essential stage of their …

6 Uses for Lanyards Outside of Schools and Offices

Lanyards are ever-present in schools and offices, used as holders for identification cards and access badges. There are many types of lanyards. Some opt to buy tubular lanyards, woven, nylon, or even a fashionable ones. However, …

Make Your Pregnancy A Better Experience

Usually pregnancy is a complicated period for future moms. Many suffer from different pains, including joint and muscle pain. Only small amount of women claim that pregnancy is a pleasant experience in their case. Whatever …