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Why Women Should Create a Full Proof Maternity Plan?

When You Become A Mother, You Stop Being The Picture And Start Being The Frame

Pregnancy is mostly reffered as the most beautiful phase of a women’s life. It fills a life of a women with a unique happiness and a great sense of fulfillment. It creates a unique feeling and makes a woman realize that she has come to this world to fulfill a purpose and to give birth to a new life, a life that will complete her existence and will fill her own life with a unique delight. Pregnancy gives a new life to every woman and allows her to take part in one of the ultimate pleasures of life. Beautiful pregnant women are revered by everyone.

With pregnancy there are various additions to the life of a woman. The most apparent is the birth of a new life but with this new life there are numerous expectations that arise. One of them is the financial upkeep of a human being who is entirely dependent on you. The process of giving birth is not only a source of happiness but can also be a cause of a lot of stress – physically and emotionally. With such a plague of emotions already being associated with life, the least a woman requires is the feeling of being financially supported and that comes with a maternity insurance plan. As a result, in order to secure not just the new-born’s life but also take care of the medical bills, deal with contingencies and at the same time – take care of the day to day expenses.

So, how can a woman deal with it?

  1. First, don’t wait for the baby to arrive – plan early

It is always advised that a couple should plan their family with pragmatism. Hence, the partners should sit down together and chalk out how to go about raising a family. It is wise to realise what exactly you want and what you’re entitled. Financial security is a significant part of the plan.

  1. Know what your rights are

In India, a pregnant woman is entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave according to the 2016 amendment to the Maternity Benefits Act. Women with two or more children are entitled to 12 weeks’ leave. This leave period starts from eight weeks prior to the delivery. Private as well as public sector employees are entitled to such leave. A person going in for surrogacy or adoption is entitled to three months of leave. Hence, be aware that the government has formulated policies for taking care of your needs.

  1. Know the facilities provided by your employer

Most employers especially corporations provide for health benefits – be sure to go through them thoroughly. These include health insurance policies for the entire family. It is advised to check for maternity cost benefits. They may offer you paid maternity benefits beyond those which are sanctioned by the government or a short term disability insurance paying a certain set percentage of your monthly salary.

  1. Purchase maternity insurance benefits

Maternity insurance is an add-on rider to your general health insurance policies. It covers both types of delivery options – caesarean as well as normal delivery. The plans vary in accordance with pre and post hospitalisation benefits. A thorough inspection of such benefits and evaluation of your needs is imperative to make a strong financial decision. They may cover baby expenses from day 1 to say day 90 or day 30 and may cost premium accordingly.

  1. Savings account estimation

A paid maternity leave ensures a constant inflow of cash. It is, however, practical to make provisions for sudden expenses which may arise. Pregnancy and motherhood are very delicate conditions – one, for obvious reasons, does not want to compromise. As a result, it is advised to save up in priority for the leaves that you take. Not only does the savings come in handy when contingency strikes but may aid you in taking time off as per your convenience.

  1. Sound budgeting

It is absolutely important to plan your foreseeable expenses in advance, budget and stick to the plan. It ensures smooth sailing and reduces cutting corners for conveniences.

As a mother, it is more than a duty one has towards her baby to do right – not just emotionally but also financially. The new born deserves your love and undivided attention. Lack of a sorted financial plan may divert a mother from this duty of hers. Hence, plan and stick to it. Motherhood gives you enough bouncers to field – a financial plan will provide you a shield.


Dont spoil the fun and happiness of your motherhood just because of a few obstacles. Keep yourself prepared to fight against such eventualities that can harm you and your baby as well. Just search out for the best maternity insurance plan and insure your happiness today.