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Author: Admin

Do Women Snore Differently Than Men?

Close to 90 million Americans are habitual snorers and about 160 million are occasional snorers. But when it comes to gender comparison, men are 40% more likely to snore compared to women. It is not …

Fentanyl – Dangers and Treatment

It seems for decades that the United States has been mired in an epidemic of heroin abuse. Just when things can’t seemingly get any worse, a new drug hits the street and things do get …

The Best iPhone Accessories for Busy Women

Your iPhone can be one of the most valuable things you own or it can be highly frustrating. Your phone should facilitate your lifestyle, not hold it back. If you’re a busy and productive person, …

7 Tips for Hosting an Easter Baby Shower

As your due date approaches, it’s time to start thinking about your baby shower to celebrate the upcoming arrival of your bundle of joy. Traditionally, a close family member plans the party, but today, the …