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Author: Admin

Direct Composite Veneers

Have you ever noticed that people who have an attractive smile appear friendlier and more approachable? Not only this, but a beautiful smile also improves your chances to enjoy a successful career. In fact, in …

The Best Way to Start a Writing Career

A career in writing is the dream of many individuals who grew up immersed in the world of books. It’s a romantic and at times lonely career that requires its own unique blend of solitude, …

Alternative Therapies for Treating Depression

Suffered by over 300 million people around the world, clinical depression is one of the most common mental disorders to be diagnosed. While prescription medication is the leading way medical professionals and their patients opt …

Boom of Health Tourism in Thailand

According to a recent study by prominent economists, health tourism is set to give a major boost to the travel segment with an estimated rise of almost 25% per year. People these days are set …

5 Wardrobe Essentials for Children this Winter

Our summer clothes are well and truly packed away, and our laundry piles are suddenly filled with jeans, jumpers, jackets and various knitted things. If you’ve taken a look at what your children are wearing …