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Category: Interesting

Amazon Launches Its ‘Go’ Supermarket

A crowd of anxious customers formed outside the Amazon Go store in Seattle on Monday, as it opened its doors to the public. The online retail giant’s cashless convenience store had been on a nearly …

What are The Uses of Drill Presses?

Drill press is unquestionably one of the most used instruments in the world right now. Besides from cutting the wood, drilling holes is an important task a woodworker has to perform. Perhaps, ease-of-use and accuracy …

How to Make Your Business Winter-Proof

Winter is a very challenging time. It is cold, the roads are dangerous, utility bills are high, and of course, there are extra dangers that your business must address for the sake of its employees …

5 Dogs Girls Love Most

It’s no secret that women love dogs. A dog is the preferred pet for many people around the world. Some other animals can make nice pets, like cats, rabbits, fish, etc. But nothing really competes …

Weekly Horoscope 22.01 – 28.01

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’ll be ready to have some serious fun with your lover this week! Mars, your ruling planet, will enter Sagittarius and your 9th House of Adventure on Friday. This will influence your overall …