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4 Benefits Of Installing Indoor Wall Fountains

Indoor fountains are hardly every what comes to mind when most people think about decorating the interior of a house. Usually, most people think about a new rug, a leather couch, or something striking and fancy to hang up on the wall and not a water fountain in the living room.

Are you aware that installing an indoor wall fountain in your home provides extra benefits beyond making your property look fancy. It is true and here are the 4 benefits from Soothing Walls of getting an indoor wall fountain installed in your home:

1. Health Benefits for Visitors and Occupants

The health benefits are the biggest benefits of installing an indoor wall fountain. Having an indoor wall fountain in your home can be quite beneficial for your well-being and health along with that of your guests and family. The health benefits emanate from the stress relieving properties that the sounds and looks of an indoor fountain bring about.

Irrespective of how wound up or stressed a person is, the sound of bubbling water is likely to calm them. The dappling water patterns cascading down the wall are also rather relaxing to look at. The two elements work together to help reduce a person’s levels of stress hormones and normalize the blood pressure and heart rate.

2. Increased Home Value

A functional wall fountain even adds to the visual appeal of a home and improves its atmosphere in addition to transforming it into a calming space. A wall fountain is not only good for impressing neighbors and visitors, but it also likely to increase the value of your property, which can be quite a smart move if you plan to sell it. Installing the indoor fountain in a way benefits your property in the same way as having a swimming pool or extra rooms.

3. Air Humidification and Purification

Indoor fountains can actually improve the quality of air in an enclosed space. The water fountain disperses negative ions all over the property via evaporation and scrubs the surrounding air clean of allergens, irritants, and dust. This provides both you and your family clean and fresh air for breathing in, day in and day out. Besides cleaning the air in your home, the water fountain serves as the source of humidity and moisture. This can help increase the comfort level in your property and prevent ailments attributed to dry air such as skin allergies, nosebleeds, and eczema flare ups.

4. Good Feng Shui

Interior designers the world over simply love this Chinese design philosophy where the addition of some specific elements in the property is said to harmonize the ‘chi’ or ‘energy’ that flows through it. This can provide a variety of benefits for the property and its occupants from good fortune and luck to even better health. Feng shui eperts agree that an indoor water fountain is essential for a home. The reason for this is that the water itself is the ancient feng shui symbol of prosperity and wealth. You should avoid placing it in the South area of the house or in any of the bedrooms since they are not the ideal feng shui locations for the water element. If in doubt, consult a feng shui expert before the installation of the indoor water fountain.


Homeowners can benefit greatly from indoor water fountains than they probably realize. It can help elevate the value of the property and it can make a significant improvement in the quality of air breathed in as well as the overall indoor atmosphere of the home. Who would have predicted that an installation valued mainly because of its luxurious looks can have multiple uses?