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Category: Healthy Life Tips

5 Tips for Going Gluten Free

The prospect of going gluten free can be daunting for many people that have been diagnosed with Celiac’s Disease or gluten intolerance/allergies. I would know – I haven’t eaten wheat, spelt, rye or barley for …

Best Snoring Mouthguard for Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when a person can’t pass air freely through your nose and throat while sleeping, this makes the tissues around the nasal area to vibrate and produce the snoring sound that we’ve all heard. …

6 Dental Care Tips You’ve Been Missing Out

Most dentists agree that oral hygiene is one of the most important part of our daily routine. Keeping it on the highest level possible can prevent bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay and several other …

5 Ways to Increase Low Platelet Count

Platelets are the most important part of blood. If your platelet count is getting low, it’s time to take your condition serious. In medical terms, running low on platelets is known as thrombocytopenia. Having dwindling …

Why the Elliptical Machine is Good for Bad Knees?

If you ever visited any type of exercise-oriented class, you have probably heard that the elliptical machine is a great low-impact exercise. Workouts using best elliptical machines protect your knees from stressful impact and strengthen …