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Category: Fashion and Beauty

How to Save on Fashion

Being someone who is concerned with the latest trends and changes in the fashion world doesn’t always bode well for the wallet. This doesn’t necessarily have to imply that you should find a new line …

6 Essential Tips for Healthy Skin

With the fall season in full swing, it’s more important than ever to come up with your own simple, but effective skincare routine. After all, who wouldn’t want to maintain a glowing and youthful complexion? …

The New Clothing Trend: Modest Clothing

The atmosphere around women’s clothing is changing and many may not be ready for the new styles. Of course, there are those that have been waiting a very long time to see this change and …

How To Work With Heat Styling Tools

Remember being a teenager and paging through magazines looking at all the perfect hairstyles? Then you grow up and realize that a skilled team of people with a slew of tools helped the model achieve …