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Author: Admin

What Is An Ionic Foot Bath?

An ionic foot bath, also referred to as an ionic foot detox, is a way to detoxify and reenergize the body. Some believe that in addition to detoxing the body, certain medical problems can be …

Tips for a Peaceful Parenting

Parenting!! This job can be overwhelming to new parents as the experience and journey are just starting and what makes this harder is that while we are just starting to work on the bonding and …

Sore This Summer? Consider The Benefits of Massage

In this era of “gig economies” and inevitable overworking, it’s too easy to lose sight of the well-being of one’s body, especially in frantic metropolitan areas like Toronto, Ontario. If you’ve been experiencing physical discomfort …

Benefits of Using Dog kennel

A dog kennel is a fenced dog house or shelter for dogs. Having a dog kennel will be very beneficial for your dog if you don’t have a fenced yard. It will keep your dog …