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Author: Admin

Choosing an Effective Weight Loss Program

It is very hard to lose weight and keep it off. With majority of the people in developed countries being overweight and borderline obese, it has become increasingly important to formulate weight loss programs that …

Ideal Beauty Of The Human Body

Over the years, the image of a perfect human body has undergone substantial changes. At different times, the owners of the perfect body were Gene Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Twiggy, Kate Moss. The body shapes of …

Four Unusual Summer Getaways

With summer just around the corner, the time to start getting your holiday plans in order is at hand. This year might be time to skip the usual holidays to the USA or the United …

7 Foods That Take Care Of Your Liver

So, how does exactly the liver protect your body and help you detox? The liver plays a key role in detoxification. It removes the toxic substances from your body and convert them into harmless ones. …

Unique and Beautiful Piercing Ideas

If you like to be in the spotlight, then investing in any type of piercing is a great idea. With a bold piercing, you can be different each time: dainty studs, shiny chains, hoops, and …

Is the Organic Chocolate Good for Your Health?

Due to the detrimental techniques involved in food processing, chocolate has currently become amongst the most loved junk food across the globe. While most people would go for candy bars, organic dark chocolates can be …

Your Wedding Planning Checklist

Congratulations, you’re getting married! Now comes the exciting part: planning your dream wedding. No doubt you already have a lot of ideas floating around your head about colours, dresses and themes. If not, don’t worry, …

Why Your Next Watch Should be a Bamboo Watch

There’s a hot trend at the minute and we’re loving it. You may have seen them on Instagram already with many celebrities and influencers endorsing these watches. Whilst last year was all about the smart …

5 Tips For Better Health

Now is the appropriate time to jumpstart both your mind and body to set up 2018 as your best and most successful year yet. The best way to do this is using the LSF Lifestyle …