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4 Minutes – 30 Days HIIT Challenge: Burn Calories and Stay Motivated

This HIIT challenge is designed to work your entire body over the course of a week, while making it easy to fit exercise into your schedule. You will only need four minutes a day.

The workout plan involves a warmup with a 30 seconds of cardio (jumping jacks, jumping rope, high knees, and butt kicks). Then, perform each exercise for 1 minute, and every fifth day put all the exercises together for a full body workout. If you have more time, keep rotating cardio intervals with the exercise of the day.

Day #1: Push-Ups


Keep your core tight and put your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, lower your body to the floor and push back up to plank position.

Day #2: Air Squats


Stand with your feet just outside your hips, push your hips back, and squat.

Day #3: Plank Jacks


Start in low plank position. Put your feet out wider than hip-width without allowing your butt to pop up above the height of your shoulders, then quickly hop your feet back to hip-width.

Day #4: Squat Thrusts


In a standing position, drop hands to the floor and kick feet back, so you’re in plank position. Hop your feet back to center and return to standing position.

Day #5: Challenge yourself!


Perform each exercise for 1 minute each from the previous 4 days.

Day #6: Supermans with Lateral Raises


Lie on your stomach and lift your legs and arms off the floor, put arms straight in front of you. You should be squeezing your glutes to keep your legs up. Pull your elbows down to your waist, return to starting posting, and repeat.

Day #7: Lateral Lunges with Hops


Step your left leg out to your side for a lateral lunge. Bring left leg up to a 90-degree angle and hop on your right leg. Continue on one side for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side for 30 seconds.

Day #8: Tuck-Ups


Lie on your back with arms straight over your head. Crunch your legs into your chest, as you lift your back off the floor and grab your legs. Return to starting position and repeat.

Day #9: Mountain Climbers


Start in high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists. Quickly bring each knee into your chest one at a time as if you’re running.

Day #10: Challenge yourself!

Perform each exercise for 1 minute each from the previous 4 days.

Day #11: Plank-Ups


Start in high plank position. Place your right elbow under your right shoulder, then left elbow under your left shoulder, so you’re in low plank position. Press back up to high plank position, starting with your right arm. Repeat for one minute, rotating leading arms each time.

Day #12: Flutter Kicks


Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, keeping your legs straight. Bring one leg into the air while the other hovers parallel to the ground. Keep switching legs continuously for one minute.

Day #13: Reverse Lunges to Single-Leg Deadlifts


Step back into a reverse lunge with your left leg. Bring left leg in front of you, knee at a 90-degree angle, as if you’re marching. Kick left leg back as you touch the floor in front of you. Hinge from your hips to bring left leg back to 90-degree marching position. Return left leg to ground.Perform for 30 seconds on the left side and 30 seconds on the right.

Day #14: Star Jumps


Standing with feet together, jump off the ground bringing your arms and legs out so that your body forms a star-shape. Land with knees slightly bent, arms by your knees. Repeat for one minute.

Day #15: Challenge yourself!

Perform each exercise for 1 minute each from the previous 4 days.

Day #16: Plank Shoulder Taps


Start with a high plank position. Keeping your hips square, working hard not to let them sway side to side, lift your right hand to tap your left shoulder, then your left hand to tap your right shoulder.

Day #17: Triceps Dips


Start in modified tabletop position, fingers facing your body, one leg straight up in the air. Slowly bend your elbows, bringing your body closer to the floor. Straighten your arms back to starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds with one leg in the air, and 30 with the other.

Day #18: Jumping Lunges



Bring one leg back into a reverse lunge. Jump up, switching legs to lunge with the opposite leg. Keep switching for one minute.

Day #19: Froggers



Start in a high plank position. Hop feet outside your hands, chest up. Kick your feet back to plank position. Repeat for one minute.

Day #20: Challenge yourself!

Perform each exercise for 1 minute each from the previous 4 days.

Day #21: Hand-Release Push-Ups



Start in standard push-up position. Lower your body to touch the ground, lifting your hands up at the bottom. Push back up to start. Do as many as you can in one minute.

Day #22: Skaters


Jump to your right side, bringing your left leg back behind you. Repeat on the other side, rotating for one minute.

Day #23: Bicycle Crunches


Lie on the ground, hands held behind your head, feet off the floor with knees at a 90-degree angle. Reach elbow to opposite knee, as the other leg stretches straight out. Rotate continuously for one minute.

Day 24: Burpees


Lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of your feet, jumping your feet back to high plank position. Bring your feet back to your hands, then jump into the air, landing back into a squat. Repeat for one minute.

Day #25: Challenge yourself!

Perform each exercise for 1 minute each from the previous 4 days.

Day #26: Plyo Push-Ups


Start in push-up position. Lower your body to the floor. Lift your hands off the ground as you push up, creating a jumping motion.

Day #27: Plié Squats


Stand with your feet outside the hips, wider than a traditional squat. Lower your body into a squat, then return to start. Do as many as you can in one minute.

Day #28: Russian Twists


Sit on the floor, heels lifted, hands at chest. Twist from side to side for one minute.

Day #29: Single-Leg Burpees


Lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of your feet. Jump your feet back with only one foot touching the floor. Bring your feet back to your hands, then jump into the air on that same foot. Repeat for 30 seconds on one leg, then switch to the other leg for 30 seconds.

Day #30: Challenge yourself!

Perform each exercise for 1 minute each from the previous 4 days.

Source: www.fitnessmagazine.com