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What Running On A Treadmill Does For Your Body?

Running is a great form of exercise. Many people run or jog a few miles every week as part of their regular fitness routine. People who run regularly are generally more fit both physically and mentally.

Depending on where you live, however, running outdoors may not always be feasible. People who have busy careers or who live in colder climates sometimes have fewer opportunities to run outdoors. In these instances, running on a treadmill can be a suitable alternative.

There is a wide variety treadmills to choose from. You can check bodytrained.com and other sites for more information about the different makes and models and read product reviews. You should also talk to your doctor or health care provider before starting any kind of exercise regimen to be aware of any potential health concerns.

Here are a few benefits for your body from running on a treadmill:

1. It’s a very safe way to exercise.

Most runners have to navigate their way around the urban jungle. Cars, trucks, buses, semis, delivery vans, bicycles and pedestrians are just some of the obstacles that they have to constantly be aware of. Runners also know that vehicles and other people have to be aware of them, too. Running on a treadmill gives your body a good workout without any distractions or the hazards that are often encountered on the road or busy streets.

2. Less potential foot problems.

Runners frequently encounter uneven sidewalks, hills, dirt roads, loose gravel and other things that can cause foot and joint or muscle pain. Using a treadmill offers less chances of such pain or injuries. A treadmill’s flat surface is a lot more forgiving than concrete, asphalt or dirt. Running on a treadmill can be a great way to get a vigorous workout but help preserve your feet.

3. Simulated workouts.

While treadmill runners may not have the most scenic exercise, they have a lot more flexibility when it comes to planning their routine. Many treadmills allow the user to create their own custom or pre-set workout programs. You can make your session as easy or as challenging as you want to.

4. It’s easier to track your progress.

Most modern treadmill models provide a lot of useful data. You can track things like your heart rate, average miles per hour, calories burned and distance traveled. This helps you keep a running tally of your stats, so that you can monitor your performance and make adjustments as necessary.  

5. It helps you lose weight.

Running on a treadmill a few times a week can help you lose those stubborn pounds. An average run on a treadmill for 15-20 minutes can help you lose 200 calories or more. Adding a healthy diet plan to your exercise can help you reach your target weight, too. Monitor your progress, and make sure that you don’t burn off more calories than you take in every day, either.

6. It’s something you can use at anytime.

One of the most common excuses people give for not working out is “I don’t have the time.” You can set up a treadmill in any room of your home. It’s easy to get a quick walk or jog in while you’re waiting for the laundry to finish or after the kids have gone to bed for the night. You can also listen to music or catch up on your favorite television shows or movies while you’re on a treadmill, too. It’ll soon be a regular workout habit that you’ll find yourself eager to enjoy every day.  

7. It’s good for your heart.

As we grow older, most of us become more concerned about our health. One major priority is our heart health, especially if your family has a history of heart disease or related ailments. Running or walking on a treadmill for just a few minutes a day or week can help lower stress, lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health while you’re getting in a good cardiovascular workout.

These are just a few of the many reasons why using a treadmill can be an effective part of your exercise plan. You can check out some of the major manufacturers’ products at your local big box retailer or you can try one out at your local fitness club or gym. Using a treadmill will not only help you look better on the outside, but can also help you feel more alert and attentive so that you can take on the challenges of the day.