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The Top 3 Ways to Get Rid of Eye Floaters

For all those who are unaware of what eye floaters are, they are basically lines, spots or rings that move through your entire field of vision. Even though they do not completely block your line of vision in that sense, they can still be an irritant on a day to day basis. More often, than not they appear as gray or black specks that drift once you move your eyes. And while most people are unaware of this, eye floaters are actually right inside your eye itself. However, that alone is not a cause for any worry since the condition is a lot more common than you think.

Having said that, it is equally vital to note that eye floaters could also mean the onset of a more serious eye condition or a health issue in the not-so-distant future. There are a cluster of common conditions that end up triggering eye floaters and these include nearsightedness, age, medication, migraines, eye inflammation and tumours, to name a few. The next time you end up going to a trusted doctor or ophthalmologist for eye floater surgery or laser surgery for floaters, you might just want to keep this fact in mind.

So if you feel that you have eye floaters, do not waste any time and plan a trip to your doctor immediately. It could very well be a symptom of something far more serious and it’s better not to take a chance in this regard. Whether you find a lasting problem in your eyes or not, here are the top three ways to get rid of eye floaters:-

  • The Process of Vitrectomy: Being a surgery that can remove eye floaters, make no mistake of the fact that only the most professional of doctors can be trusted with this. Even though it takes a small incision, the precision level has to be as good as possible. In spite of this, the process is certainly not 100% efficient and eye floaters can form again. So do keep that in mind while your doctor is considering your case.
  • Ignore Them: Now this might sound like a ridiculous move to make, but if its mild and not affecting your vision in any way, they end up fading away or disappearing in the passage of time in most cases. Hard as it may be for you to believe, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. You should ideally consult a doctor only if they begin to impair your vision seriously.
  • Laser Therapy: In this case, lasers will be specifically targeted at the eye floaters and cause them to break up. The therapy is widely accepted because of the low risks and higher efficiency of permanent vision improvement. You would do well to remember this fact the next time you pay a visit to your doctor.

As illustrated above, eye floaters can either be a mild inconvenience or a small part of a much larger affliction. Without the proper expertise of a professional doctor, it is quite hard to say. So make sure that you do your homework when it comes down to getting hold of a trusted and experienced doctor who knows exactly what he is talking about.

On that note, one must also bear in mind that there are subtle everyday ways in which you can protect your eyes and take good care of them. This is not talking about comprehensive eye check-ups and the like but simple and good daily habits such as drinking lots of water and maintaining a healthy diet for the most part. Finally, even though they can be an annoyance, eye floaters can end up clearing up on their own. Don’t forget to pay a timely visit to your doctor though.