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The Dos and Don’ts of Feeding Your Dog Human Food

We’re all guilty of sneaking some scraps to our dogs under the table every so often, but as a responsible dog owner, it is integral to know the dos and don’ts of feeding your dog human food. Some foods that are considered healthy even for human toddlers are toxic for our pets. Other foods such as potatoes and tomatoes are poisonous if eaten raw, but fine if cooked. Learn more about what you should or shouldn’t feed your dog below:

Is homemade dog food better than store-bought?

Looking at Dog Food Care is essential for any responsible dog owner. However, it is unlikely that an exclusive diet of homemade dog food will incorporate the complete, balanced diet that your pet requires. While it is possible to supplement their diet with human food, we recommend making it a small component of their daily caloric intake.

Foods to avoid feeding to dogs

Sometimes, scraps of food could seriously harm a dog, especially a smaller breed. Here are the top people foods to avoid giving your dog in any quantity:


Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and vitamins for humans. However, avocados are toxic to dogs and can cause severe breathing difficulties.


Garlic is not suitable for dogs, and can lead to anemia.


Onions in any form are not suitable for your dog and can lead to anemia, causing weakness, lethargy, and breathlessness.

Grapes and raisins

Although a fantastic snack for kids, grapes and raisins can cause severe kidney damage to canines. Be sure to watch out for vomiting and weakness, or contact your vet right away if they have ingested a significant amount for their size.


You are probably unaware of the number of everyday products that contain Xylitol, so we would encourage you to start reading your labels. Here are just a few:

  • Jelly powder
  • Cake and cookie mixes
  • Pudding mix
  • Ice cream
  • Yogurt
  • Sugar-free candy and mints
  • Sugar-free jams
  • Protein bars
  • Protein powder
  • Drink powder
  • Peanut butter
  • Nut butters
  • Cereals
  • Toothpaste and mouthwash
  • Vitamins

Xylitol ingestion in dogs can increase insulin production, which leads to low blood sugar. If you notice vomiting, trembling, weakness, or seizures in your pet, then seek medical attention immediately. Symptoms can appear up to 12 hours after consumption.


Small bones can splinter or be a choking hazard. Larger dogs can also ingest bones, resulting in blockages requiring surgical removal. If you want to provide your dog with a bone, make sure it’s a large one from a pet store that they can chew on without harming themselves.

Whole fruit

Seeds and pits from some fruits can be extremely dangerous for dogs, and lead to poisoning or cause a digestive obstruction.


Theobromine is the substance found in chocolate that is extremely dangerous for dogs. Be sure to keep this sweet treat away from your pet at all times.

Corn On the Cob

While corn on the cob may seem like a good chew toy for a dog, the cob can easily break, be a choking hazard and lead to painful and expensive intestinal obstructions. Cooked corn that has been taken off the corn is fine for dogs in small portions.

Foods you can feed your dogs

Despite the hazards listed above, there are also many types of food that can keep dogs healthy and well-nourished. It is crucial to consider your dog’s size, age, and energy level regarding feeding. Here are human foods that you can give your dog, in moderation:

Bananas (without the peel)

In moderation, bananas are okay for dogs to eat and high in fiber, though you will want to watch their sugar intake.


Bread is acceptable for dogs to consume in small portions, as long as it is not heavily salted.


Carrots are excellent for dogs, whether raw or cooked. In fact, if you can deal with the mess, sliced carrots are great natural teething aids for puppies.


Cheese is high in fat, so it is best given to dogs in moderation, but it makes for great positive reinforcement aids while training.


Chicken is already a primary ingredient in many commercial dog foods. As long as you have ensured the chicken is cooked and deboned, it is safe for your dog to consume.

Coconut oil

Small amounts of coconut oil measuring approximately a quarter teaspoon daily can aid in improving your dog’s skin, coat, and digestion. However, any more and you could upset your dog’s stomach.


Leftover couscous can be given to your dog, but ensure that the couscous was not cooked with salted stock.


Cooked eggs are a great source of protein for your dog. However, start with a small amount, as some owners find that flatulence can be an issue.

Peanut Butter

Most dogs adore peanut butter, and it can be smeared onto a chew toy to incite their interest. However, be careful that Xylitol is not a listed ingredient.


Although safe for your dogs to ingest and low in fat if made using a hot air popper, popcorn can get stuck in your dog’s teeth and gums, causing discomfort.


Be wary of bones, but otherwise, fish is an excellent source of protein for dogs.

Sweet Potatoes

We humans and our pups should be adding more cooked sweet potatoes to our diets. They are an excellent source of vitamins and fiber.


Plain white rice is an excellent staple for feeding dogs, especially if they have recently upset stomachs. However, there is little nutritional value, so check how much rice is reasonable to feed your dog based on their size, and avoid large amounts if your dog is diabetic.


Plain, unsweetened oatmeal is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and will mix well with regular dog food.

Remembering precisely what your dog can and cannot eat isn’t always straightforward. Different dogs can tolerate foods to varying degrees. If you doubt whether a specific human food is safe for your dog, then always err on the side of caution and avoid giving it to them until you are entirely sure.