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The Best Diets For Women To Lose Extra Pound

Obesity and overweight problems do not distinguish between genders. Today it is a big problem both for men and women and there are tens of thousands of women who suffer from different levels of obesity and overweight problems. Additionally, childbirth and pregnancy also adds to their problem. Hence it is quite common for women to look for ways and means to burn those extra inches of fat in the body.

While exercising and workouts in the gym and other places can help, it is important that food and dietary patterns and habits also have to change. However, at the same time many women have to run their homes and also supplement the income of their partners. Therefore they must take some time out and look for diets that are suitable for women in particular. It would be interesting to look at a few such diets which are especially suited for women of various ages. They could also be referred to as weekly diet for women.

The Secret Of Eating Right

Women need proper healthy foods. This not only given them the desired energy levels but also reduces the risk of diseases and also can prevent overweight and obesity related problems. They should concentrate more on whole-grain food items like bread, cereal flakes, brown oats and rice and also pasta made from whole-wheat. The importance of protein in the form of seafood, eggs, meat, poultry, nuts and seeds and peas and beans should also not be ignored.

Fruits and vegetables are also important and women must make it a point to add two cups of fruits and around two and half cups of colorful vegetables each day.

The Importance Of Minerals

Women should pay attention to eating of nutrient rich foods. Women are often victims of rapid depletion of various vital minerals and other micronutrients. They tend to lose calcium deposits in their bones around the age of thirty five. Further because of menstrual cycle women suffer from loss of iron and other essential micronutrients and minerals which has to be replenished. Too much loss of calcium and iron could lead to obesity problems.

Eating Different Meals During Different Days

Following the same weight loss food habits may become quite boring at times. In such situations, it would be a good idea to have a seven day weight loss food plan consisting of different options during different days of the week. If you look up the internet you will be able to come across dozens of such plans. However for the sake of convenience, we are sharing below a few such plans which could be useful in more ways than one:

Fruit & Vegetable Day – It would be a good idea to totally avoid carbohydrate rich foods like rice, wheat, bread and other such items during one day of the week. You could instead replace it with fruits and vegetables. Almost all fruits and vegetables have carbohydrates but in lower quantities compared to cereals. You could have a planned diet of various fruits such as oranges, apple, banana, and also some dried nuts. However, care should be taken to ensure that you do not fry the nuts or add salt to make it tastier.

High Protein Foods – Proteins as we all know are considered as building blocks. Additionally you might also be aware that carefully chosen easy to digest protein could play a big role in burning out those stubborn inches of fat in and around the belly and abdomen area. However, you have to be carefully about the kind of protein you choose. You should try and restrict to only to lean protein like fish and chicken. It would be better to avoid animal protein such as beef and pork.

Importance OfFruit & Vegetable Juices

If possible it would be a brilliant idea to spend one day or even half a day staying on fruit juice and other forms of liquid diets. They help in de-toxifying the body and ensure removing of accumulated toxins from various parts of the body. They also help the kidneys to stay flushed and could go a long way in improving the overall metabolism of the body.


While all this is fine, we need to understand that food and diet control alone may not be able to give the desired result in terms of weight loss. You must also complement it with the right exercise and workouts and this should also be made a regular habit.