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Tag: horoscope

Weekly Horoscope 09.10 – 15.10

Aries (21.03-20.04)Love You might want to pinch yourself before you read this week’s love horoscope, Aries. If you’ve recently started to date someone, it’s very likely that the two of you will decide to go exclusive …

Weekly Horoscope 14.08 – 20.08

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You and your lover might engage in a battle of the wills early in the week connected to a domestic matter. Trying to bend one another to do what either of you insists …

Weekly Horoscope 24.07 – 30.07

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Early in the week you might feel intellectually shut down by your partner. He or she might express condescending remarks about an idea you have or a decision you’ve made. As a result, …

Weekly Horoscope 12.09 – 18.09

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Just when you think you have your relationship all figured out, a curve ball might get thrown your way. Don’t be nervous — it doesn’t have to hurt. In fact, it might be …

Weekly Horoscope 05.09 – 11.09

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Starting this week you’ll notice a remarkable shift in your perspective when it comes to love and relationship. After preferring to go it alone and assert your independence for many years, you might …

Weekly Horoscope 11.07 – 17.07

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love This week, you’re the winner of the cosmic love jackpot! On Tuesday, Venus will enter your romance sector and remains in this part of your chart until August 5. Mercury joins the party …

Weekly Horoscope 04.07 – 10.07

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’ve won the cosmic jackpot this week when it comes to romantic potential. This week  amorous Venus will tour your 5th House of Pleasure and True Love. If you’re single, this will be …