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Menopause Unmasked: Rethinking Women’s Healthcare

For decades, women have been taught to endure menopause symptoms in silence. Today, however, a growing number of providers are speaking out by making healthcare professionals aware that menopause symptoms have a profound impact on women’s health and must be addressed comprehensively.


“For too long, providers neglected to inform women that something could be done to alleviate menopause symptoms,” says Dr. Dawn Ericsson, MD, a Board-Certified OBGYN and Chief Medical Officer at AgeRejuvenation Medical Spa Clinic. “And, unfortunately, when providers do treat menopause, they often go about it poly-pharmaceutically — doling out a cocktail of prescriptions per patient. Many women approaching menopause end up on powerful medications for things like insomnia, anxiety, and depression because these drugs often have harmful side effects and no long-term benefits related to menopause.”



Before dealing with menopause symptoms, providers must address the stigma

Women are taught that periods symbolize womanhood and that menopause is the end of youthfulness, attractiveness, and femininity. As such, the topic of menopause has been heavily stigmatized and even neglected.

“Until very recently, menopause was a taboo topic, with neither healthcare providers nor patients initiating conversations around the subject,” states Dr Bobban Subhadra, President and Chief Science Officer of Biom Pharmaceutical. “With today’s heightened public discourse, healthcare providers are more proactive in initiating the discussion, though significant knowledge gaps still remain regarding the impact of menopause on a woman’s life and the proper standard-of-care practice in managing its symptoms.”

“The stigma of menopause will decrease as more people become educated about the benefit and safety of various treatment options,” Dr. Ericsson observes. “Healthcare providers can communicate this information during patient appointments and use the media to disrupt the message that menopause is an unavoidable drudgery.”

How bioidentical hormone experts help women thrive during menopause

The hormonal changes that occur during menopause can bring a range of challenges and symptoms. However, with the guidance and expertise of bioidentical hormone experts, women can navigate this transition with confidence and reclaim their vitality.

According to Dr Ericsson, healthcare providers must increase their knowledge about menopause and recognize the hormone imbalances that occur. “Hormone replacement therapy can greatly improve a woman’s quality of life and even reduce morbidity. Bioidentical hormones are synthesized from plant sources to mimic the structure and function of hormones naturally produced in our bodies, making them a more suitable alternative to synthetic hormones often prescribed in traditional hormone replacement therapy.”   

One of the key advantages of working with bioidentical hormone experts is their personalized approach. These professionals specialize in tailoring hormone therapy specifically to each woman’s needs, adjusting dosages and formulations to achieve optimal results.

Bioidentical hormone experts begin with a comprehensive evaluation that takes into account a woman’s medical history, symptoms, and hormone levels. This diagnostic process allows the expert to identify imbalances and tailor a treatment plan specifically for each person. By addressing the root causes rather than providing a one-size-fits-all solution, bioidentical hormone experts take time to understand and address each woman’s unique needs.

“Menopause affects each woman differently,” remarks Dr. Subhadra, “so a comprehensive evaluation of each woman’s physiology and emotional state is critical. We identify what stage of menopause a woman is in and educate her about possible symptoms and treatments.”

Once the treatment plan is established, bioidentical hormone experts closely monitor their patient’s progress, making necessary adjustments to ensure the therapy remains optimal as a woman’s body changes throughout menopause. Regular check-ups, lab testing, and ongoing communication allow for a dynamic and individualized approach to therapy. This level of personalized care ensures that women receive the maximum benefits while minimizing any potential risks.

In addition to symptom management, bioidentical hormone experts are keenly aware of the long-term health considerations associated with menopause. Declining hormone levels during menopause can increase the risk of conditions such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline. Bioidentical hormone therapy, when appropriately prescribed and monitored, can help mitigate these risks and ensure a woman’s continued well-being as she ages.


Age management through bioidentical hormone therapy revolutionizes how healthcare providers approach menopause

By addressing underlying hormonal imbalances and personalizing treatment plans, bioidentical hormone experts empower women to navigate menopause with grace and ease. Through ongoing monitoring and adjustment, they ensure optimal hormone levels and mitigate various health risks. Ultimately, age management is not only about managing menopausal symptoms but also about empowering women to embrace this new phase of life with vitality, resilience, and well-being.

“Seek an experienced provider certified in hormone replacement therapy for menopause,” Dr. Ericsson advises. “In this nuanced therapy, all hormones influence other hormones. Before we can create a comprehensive treatment plan, we must consider every aspect of your health history, medications, hormone levels, limitations, and lifestyle.” 

Menopause should no longer be viewed as a negative experience that must be endured. By unmasking menopause and approaching it with the same level of care and attention as other phases of a woman’s life, physicians and patients can work together to improve health outcomes and, ultimately, pave the way for a more positive menopause experience.

“Even though the tide is turning, remember that many physicians still may not understand what you are going through during menopause and may misinterpret your anxiety and symptoms,” warns Dr. Subhadra. “Do your own research and closely monitor your physiological and mental symptoms to ensure you obtain proper medical attention and guidance.”