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How to Brighten Your Skin

Has your skin been looking dull and lackluster lately? Are you looking for ways to breathe life back into it and to make it look brighter and more radiant? It may surprise you to learn that brighter skin is actually not that difficult to achieve. Here are a few skincare tips to brighten your skin:

Choose Antioxidant Rich Skincare

Antioxidants are powerful compounds found in plant-based foods and products that help protect your skin against free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can attach themselves to your cells and damage them. Free radicals found in pollution, dust, smoke and the sun’s rays can destroy your skin and cause early signs of aging, making you look older than you really are. To keep your skin looking fresh and bright, invest in natural beauty products that are rich in antioxidants, like those from Well Within Beauty.

Well Within Beauty makes a beautiful antioxidant moisturizer that feels incredibly pleasant and nourishing on your skin. It is made of the highest quality ingredients that nature has to offer, and features great cosmetic elegance as well. It sinks right into your skin without leaving it feeling greasy, heavy or oily. Adding an antioxidant moisturizer to your skincare routine is one of the best ways to get a brighter, clearer complexion, and to strengthen your natural skin barrier into the mix.

Exfoliate Regularly

Our skin naturally renews itself about every 28 days, but as we get older, this process tends to slow down. Then dead skin cells can start to pile up on the surface of our skin, giving it a dull, sallow and lackluster appearance. Combat this problem by exfoliating regularly, either with physical exfoliators, gommage exfoliators or chemical exfoliators.

Of the three, physical exfoliators require the most caution, as you may risk damaging or wounding your skin if you scrub too aggressively. Chemical exfoliators may sound intimidating, but they are actually perfectly safe to use and may provide the most benefits for your skin. BHAs and AHAs gently yet effectively penetrate your pores to dislodge dirt and dead skin cells, giving your skin a smoother surface and a brighter, more radiant appearance.

Remove Your Makeup Properly

Failing to cleanse your skin properly every day can also result in dull, lackluster skin or worse, breakouts and pimples. It is crucial to remove your makeup and sunscreen properly at the end of each day, and to follow it up with a gentle second cleanser. Keeping your skin clean and free of dirt and makeup will help make your skin brighter and clearer, and will prevent skin problems like acne and breakouts from forming.

Protect Your Skin

The sun’s harmful rays can cause a wide range of skin damage, including dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation and sunburn. Keep your skin protected by wearing sunscreen every day, even on cloudy or overcast days. Be sure to choose a sunscreen with broad spectrum protection to shield you from both UVA and UVB rays, and go for an SPF of at least 30.

Follow these tips consistently, and you will soon notice a difference in your skin. If you want brighter, clearer skin, keeping it clean, well nourished and protected is absolutely essential.