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Dirty Hot Tub? Improve Cleanliness and Hygiene with These Tips

There is nothing worse than a grimy hot tub! As with anything in your home and garden, they do require some cleaning and maintenance occasionally to keep them in good condition.

Just like if you didn’t clean your floor for a period of time, you would expect it to become dirty and with hot tubs its just as essential. Your hot tub is no different and dirty water can harbour bacteria which is not the most pleasant thing to be bathing in, is it?!

You’ll be pleased to hear that hot tubs are relatively straight forward to keep clean when you use the correct equipment.

You can enjoy a relaxing soak in your squeaky-clean hot tub with these expert tips.

Hot Tub Chemicals

Anything which contain water is subject to the build up of limescale and mould. Therefore, its worth investing in the recommended chemicals and cleaning products to prevent this becoming a problem.

To keep the water quality free of harmful bacteria, you will do well to invest in silver ion products which act as an antibacterial and disinfectant sanitising the water.

Water Change

Despite using chemicals, water will over time get dirty and why it is important to change the water in your hot tub regularly – about every 90 days, depending on how often you use it. If you use it quite infrequently, at the very least you should aim to change the water every 6 months.

Most hot tubs will come with a user manual, so be sure to check this for any instructions relevant to your specific hot tub model.

Scrub your Tub!

With each water change, using suitable hot tub cleaning products, give your hot tub a good scrub to clean away any residue and build up of grease and grime.

You can also prevent the accumulation of dirt and grime but investing in products (for example scum balls!) which reduce the build-up of dead skin, skin product residue and general scum!

In addition, it is also important to clean your filter to ensure it is clear from debris and able to do its job effectively! You will also need to replace it every few years.

Vacuum your Hot Tub

Yep there are such things as a hot tub vacuum. Its an easy way to scoop up debris between water changes and help keep your hot tub water cleaner for longer.

Cover your Tub

To prevent debris falling into your tub between use, you will want to invest in suitable hot tub covers.

It can also be a good idea to give these the occasional clean to ensure mildew build up is kept to a minimum.

Clean People!

For your hot tub to stay clean for as long as possible, you may wish to ask anyone who uses it to avoid using skin products such as lotions, oils and cosmetics prior to entering the hot tub. They could simply have a quick shower to rinse off any products on the skin.