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Dear Diary Does This Cancer Make My Ass Look Fat? A Guide to Finding Humor in the Darkness

Dear Diary, Does This Cancer Make My Ass Look Fat is a memoir and guide to surviving cancer written in a personal and often amusing way. A moving account of surviving one of the toughest diseases known to mankind, without loosing your sense of self or sense of humor.

This original book has elements of a Bridget Jones Diary along with the inspiration and feel good motivation of a modern woman’s self help guide to getting through scary and tough times. This is a book that is equally as useful to cancer victims and people struggling in general that need help finding a different perspective.

At thirty-six Kimberly had lived a blissfully carefree existence. Her biggest worry revolved around running out of hot sauce or coffee. Then she got “the news”. Ovarian cancer. Stage Three. Months of chemo. Major surgery. A slew of uncertainty about her future.

Rather than accept the diagnosis with defeat, Kimberly chose to combat the darkness with laughter, costumes, colorful wigs and positivity. As she put it, “You can’t be scared of chemo when your wearing coconut bra.”

Kimberly dishes out every detail about her baldness, breakdowns and breakthroughs and shows that a little tumor humor is just what the doctor ordered.

This book is a collection of Kimberly’s diary entries and an honest portrayal of her biggest struggles. Despite the difficulties, it was the most transformational year of her life. Cancer took a lot from her, but it gave her so  much more – life lessons, epiphanies, and a whole new perspective.

Kimberly describes herself as “allergic to normal”. When she’s not scribbling in her journal or chewing on pencils, Kimberly enjoys cleaning and vacuuming (straight lines and right angles only), creating jingles (winner of top 10 Taco Bell national jingle contest), cracking bad jokes and fueling her caffeine addiction. Her personal interests include weightlifting and running (she has completed five marathons including the LA marathon 6 months after she completed her first round of chemo). She is passionate about animal welfare and the climate crisis. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her cats and very well developed collection of refrigerator magnets.

This is Kimberly’s first book, her second book is coming soon. Kimberly and her writing have already caught the attention of producers in Hollywood.

Dear Diary Does This Cancer Make My Ass Look Fat ? is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. It is gaining strong traction in the charts, getting grass roots support and opened to a number of heartfelt 5 star reviews.