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Category: Interesting

Weekly Horoscope 21.09 – 27.09

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’ll be certain that you love and you’re being loved. The only thing you’re not certain of is how long will it last. Don’t over-think, look on the bright side. Work Don’t doubt …

Weekly Horoscope 14.09 – 20.09

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’ll be constantly surrounded by people. Your partner might not like this. If you’re single, you’ll surround yourself with people and you might find someone  worth your attention. Work You’ll succeed in everything …

DIY: Scented Smudge Sticks

Smudge sticks are actually a homemade replacement for scented sticks. They’re a bundle of dry herbs, bound by a string that can cleanse the air in your home and make it smell amazing. Smudge sticks …