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Caring for Seniors 10 Tips for Leading a Longer Healthier Life

In the last census baby boomers and those 65 and over were 13% of the total population. The rate of growth of this age group was even faster than the population of under 45, and this shows that the US has become an aging population. The good thing is that aging today is different from the aging of our grandparents and parents. Today, more people are living longer than at any other time in history.

The number of boomers is expected to reach 73 million by the year 2030. “This generation has been known to be the one that championed for civil rights and anti-war movements during the 60s, but they have one more important cause, staying healthy”, according to Arthur Hayward, a 65-year-old MD, a geriatrician and clinical physician at Kaiser Permanente. “It is important for us to become activist when it comes to the promotion of healthful behavior and trying our best to stay active and healthy for the rest of our lives”. With this in mind it may be worth considering contacting a Senior Care Center who can advise on how to live the healthiest lifestyle.

How can you be as healthy as you can be? Below are ten health tips that seniors can easily follow so they can live a healthier life for longer:

Quit smoking.

This is one of the most important things when it comes to combating aging. Smoking is not good for your body because it causes cancer, heart failure, and strokes. Smoking can also lead to erectile dysfunction because of atherosclerosis and also excessive wrinkling of the skin because it has an effect on the elasticity of the skin. There are many resources that can help you if you want to quit.

Keeping active.

You should try doing something that will help you keep fit every day. You should choose something that you enjoy doing. Doing this is important because it will help in maintaining strength, balancing, and flexibility. It will also help with cardiovascular health. You will be able to maintain a healthy weight, control or prevent illness, reduce stress, better sleep, avoiding falls, and also looking and feeling better.

Eating well.

When you combine this with physical activity, you will be healthy. You should always choose nutritious foods in the right amount. There are many illnesses that can be controlled by making dietary changes and exercising. Some of the illnesses include obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements can help in preventing osteoporosis in women.

Maintaining a healthy weight.

Extra weight can lead to an increase in the risk of illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Use a BMI calculator to see whether you are within the right weight for your height. You should try getting to a weight that is healthy and try to keep it there by being active and eating right. The first step is replacing sugary drinks with water.

Prevent fall.

As we age, we become more vulnerable to falls. You should start by removing any loose carpet and throw rugs. The path you use should be free of clutter and electrical cords. Have night-lights installed in bathrooms and hallways. You should always wear shoes that have good support because they reduce the risks of falling. People walking barefoot are at a higher risk of falling than people with shoes.

Staying up-to-date on health screenings and immunizations.

When women reach the age of 50, they should start going for mammography screenings for breast cancers. Men should be going to get screening for prostate cancer. You should make good use of the “Welcome to Medicare” because you are able to get an annual wellness visit when you have Medicare.

Preventing skin cancer.

The skin grows thinner with age, and this causes it to be less elastic and drier. Wrinkles appear, and bruises and cuts will take a little longer before they heal. You should be protecting the skin from the sun. Being exposes to too much sun and UV rays can increase the risks of skin cancer.

Regular vision, dental, and hearing check-ups.

Your gums and teeth will last for a lifetime if you take good care of them. This means brushing and flossing them daily and going for dental check-ups regularly. People will start noticing a change in their vision when they reach 50 years, and this can include a decline in the ability to see small print or focusing on close objects. Glaucoma and cataracts are common eye problems that can lead to impaired vision. There is also hearing loss, which is common in aging people because of the exposure to loud noise.

Managing stress.

You should consider relaxation techniques and exercise because it will help. Activities such as yoga and meditation can help in coping. You should also have time to spend with your friends and social contacts. Coping has an impact on how you feel. Positive thinking will go a long way.

Fan the flame.

Many people see age as an excuse not to be sexually intimate, but it should not be. You should take time to learn the physical changes as a result of aging and adjust to them.