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Candida Diet: What Foods to Eat and What Foods To Avoid

Candida is a yeast bacteria found in the human body. As you all know there are good and bad bacteria, and candida is one of the good ones. Unfortunately, when the candida gets off balance, it can cause some problems such as thrush and yeast infections. To treat candida, you need to restore balance to the microbiome, therefore you need to stop eating certain foods that candida feeds off.

Since it’s a yeast, you need to avoid foods that feed yeast. These foods include preserved and fermented foods and sugar.

Here are some foods you need to avoid if you have candida:


If you have candida, you need to avoid all types of sugar, including coconut sugar, maple syrup and raw honey. You also need to avoid sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners. Stop eating all types of sweets in general, to prevent candida overgrowth.

Sugary fruits

Most fruits contain natural sugar, but there are some fruits that contain a really high level of sugar. Avoid eating citrus, mango, banana and dried fruits. Consume fruits that are low in sugar such as lemons, limes and berries.


It doesn’t feed the yeast, but it alters your blood sugar levels, which can worsen your candida. Switch to decaf coffee.

Dairy products

Dairy products contain high levels of lactose, a type of sugar that can worsen your candida. Avoid consuming milk, cheese, cream and even yogurt.


Condiments are loaded with preservatives and sugars that feed the candida. Also avoid white vinegar.


Grains digest into simple sugars that can feed yeast. Eliminate eating barley, rye, wheat and evn quinoa and rice.

High-mold nuts, legumes and seeds

Certain types of nuts have a higher natural mold count. Avoid consuming pine, walnuts, pistachios, cashews and peanuts.

Foods To Eat for Candida

Try eating whole foods that are rich in nutrients and sugar-free. If you adjust your diet the right way, you can treat candida without prescription medication.

Here are the foods that can help you treat candida:

  • Low-Starch veggies: brussels sprouts, asparagus, spinach, cabbage, celery, kale, cucumbers, garlic, onions, raw tomatoes, zucchini
  • Fresh, uncured meats and protein: turkey, chicken, sardines, wild-caught salmon, eggs
  • Low-sugar fruits: lemons, berries, lime
  • Low-mold nuts and seeds: sunflower seeds, almonds
  • Antibacterial foods: coconut oil, apple cider vinegar
  • Healthy fats: olive oil, avocado
  • Balancing herbs and spices: black pepper, Himalayan sea salt, thyme, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, oregano, cloves
  • Probiotic fermented foods: Kimchi, coconut kefir, coconut yogurt
  • Non-alcoholic and decaf drinks: still or sparkling water, almonds milk, herbal ta