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Can Hormones Be Used to Prevent Pregnancy?

Birth control is used to prevent pregnancy, and you have many options available to you. Hormones play a major role in most forms of birth control used by women and can help prevent you from becoming pregnant. The two main hormones in birth control include estrogen and progesterone.

The Process of Hormonal Birth Control

If you choose a form of birth control that relies on hormones for pregnancy prevention, it’s important to understand how it works in your body. When you ovulate, your body releases an egg to be fertilized by a sperm. If fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg will implant into the uterus, where it will form into a zygote. During the ovulation period, a woman’s body produces cervical mucus to transport the sperm to meet the egg.

Hormonal birth control methods work in several ways. The first is by preventing ovulation from occurring. If you don’t ovulate, there is no egg for the sperm to fertilize, which means you won’t get pregnant. If ovulation does occur, perhaps because you missed one of your pills, the hormones will also thin out the lining of the uterus. When the lining is thin, it is difficult for the egg to implant in the uterus. Finally, hormonal birth control thickens the cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to enter into the reproductive tract.

Hormonal Pill Options

The birth control pill, also known as an oral contraceptive, is one of the most commonly used options among women for preventing pregnancy. Birth control pills can also provide other benefits and reduce certain health symptoms and problems. One hormonal pill option is Aviane, which uses a combination of hormones to prevent ovulation, thin out the uterine lining, and thicken the cervical mucus. In addition to preventing pregnancy, Aviane can help reduce the risk of ovarian cysts and help you have a lighter and more regular period.

Implantable Options

If you don’t want to take a pill every day, you can also choose an implantable hormone-based birth control device. A hormonal implant is placed in your upper arm by a doctor or nurse. It’s the size of a matchstick and releases hormones into your body that can help prevent pregnancy. This option lasts up to five years, although you can have it removed at any time if you wish to become pregnant.

Another option is an intrauterine device, which is placed into your uterus. This device can also last for up to five years but can be removed. It’s important to note that not all intrauterine devices use hormones, so talk to your doctor if you’re interested in hormone-based birth control. Implantable birth control devices are generally more effective than pills because they take away the risk of human error.

The form of birth control you choose is a highly personal decision. Make sure to consider all the factors associated with each method and select the one that works best with your lifestyle, fertility, and desires. It’s also important to remember that no form of hormonal birth control can prevent STDs, so make sure to use a backup method, such as a condom, to reduce that risk. With the right option, you can feel confident in your selection and enjoy the benefits.