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Best Tips for Boosting Your Brain Power

Humans are the most powerful creatures on the planet due to one reason – brain. It is the epicentre of every activity performed by humans. Among us, there are a lot of differences and it largely has to do with brain power. People with a lot of brainpower and energetic mind tend to perform well in all walks of life. Crucially, this brain power is attainable to every individual and they need to just take care of their brain like every other part of the body. Since our brains have the potential to change due to neuroplasticity condition, it is never too late to improve, learn, and develop various aspects.

The process of increasing brain power can be done easily. Let’s see how.

Positive Thoughts

The brain has a positive reaction to every positive thought. It is possible to lower anxiety and stress just by having positive thoughts. Anxiety and stress can prevent brain neurons from multiplying apart from killing the existing ones. It is possible to increase the patterns in the brain cells dramatically rapidly by lowering the anxiety and stress levels.

Memory Training

Like every other part of our body, the brain also needs a lot of training in order to remember and seek information. There is a great need for better memory so much so that most of the recruiters – even on Jobsora – tend to focus on intelligence and memory. However, this does not come all of a sudden, as a lot of discipline is required in order to retain numbers. The brain can be made to train to store a lot of data by playing memory focused on games like Sudoku. Over a period of time, it would be easy to witness a change in memory retention capabilities.

Intake of Healthy Food

There is a lot of awareness about eating healthy food for maintaining the overall condition of the body, but little is known about the impact of diet on the brain. Since the brain actually ends of consuming 20% of the nutrition, it is important to opt for healthy food like grilled fish, vegetables, fruits, and beans. If an individual is found lacking in certain nutritional aspects, it is important to take supplements – like vitamins and nutrients. This can have a strong impact over the course of time.

Managing Stress

The modern world has provided a lot of stress to humans, and it happens to be one of the defining factors when it comes to affecting the brain. A small amount of stress is considered good for the brain, but it causes undesired qualities when it exceeds the limit. A lot of stress can result in impaired memory, lower size of the brain, and increase the chances of depression. If a person is feeling stressed, it is important to take quick action.

Providing Adequate Rest

Sleep deprivation has become common in modern times, as people have grown used to staying awake late at night and waking up early in the morning. The body needs around 7 to 9 hours of rest depending on an individual. The body gives out certain indicators when there is sleep deprivation; a person may find it difficult to wake up early in the morning, feels sleepy in the midday, and feels tired at the end of the day. All these conditions hint at poor sleeping habits, which will disturb the cardiovascular function in the body and lower alertness.

Being Curious

It is often witnessed that a curious person tends to have better brain power – especially in the later part of their life. This is because curious plus can make the brain develop new ideas and come up with innovative thinking. A curious person often becomes an inventor due to the attraction that they showed towards the process behind certain aspects of life.

Better Physical Condition

The process of memory training is an essential tool to improve brain power, but a certain amount of physical condition is also required for the brain. A better physical condition lowers brain fog by decreasing the incidence of the cognitive and biological process of ageing. The hippocampus portion of the brain starts to get more blood flow when there is a better physical condition, and this hippocampus portion tends to be most affected due to Alzheimer’s disease. In order to increase cognitive memory, it is important to start working out.

Spontaneous Activities

The process of experiencing something new stimulates the brain by activating and adapting the neural pathways. A routine life can end up preventing the brain from thinking further beyond a certain pattern. The spontaneity can also change the structure of the brain. The possibilities and the potential that can be gained out of spontaneous activities are limitless.

Lowering Dependence on Devices

The modern world has been filled with gadgets that are aimed to help humans achieve a lot of work with little energy. However, they end up causing more damage in the long term, as the brain gets accustomed to less work. For example, a basic tool like a calculator can appear harmless and very useful in this modern age, but it can result in the brain being unable to process even basic mathematical problems. Initially, it may be difficult to do away with devices that have been playing a crucial role in our daily life over the last few decades. However, this can be very beneficial in the long run.

Waking up Imagination

The imaginary part of our brain plays a crucial role in increasing brain power. There is a lot of information kept inside the brain as memory, but this section can have a lot more power when every aspect is being visualised while learning. Rather than just rely on text in order to learn stuff, it is important to opt for cards, graphics, or photos so that the information is retained in the mind for longer. The imaginary part of the brain can also be woken up by regularly playing puzzles and other mind games.

Such tips will serve to increase brain power and open up a whole new world of possibilities.