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Why is Building Trust In A Relationship Important

What is trust? A trust is key to a happy and successful relationship. There are three main pillars in building trust in a relationship: honesty, openness, and transparency. Honesty requires that you be sincere to yourself and your partner and talk to each other for everything without hiding. Openness requires you to share vulnerable things that feel hard to talk about, and give a space to your partner to share as well. Transparency requires that you are in tune emotionally with what’s being said, felt, heard, and understood. This combination is what leads to ultimate trust.

Trust is when you feel security and loyalty with your partner. To trust someone means to rely on another person and have faith they won’t hurt you. Trust is the foundation of every relationship. It allows you to be vulnerable with a person without having to protect yourself.

Building trust in a relationship

Why Is Trust Important In A Relationship?

Here are three reasons why trust is important in relationships:

Promotes positivity

Trust allows you to be more open. When you trust your partner, you’re more likely to be forgiving of behaviors that irritates you.

Increases closeness

Trust creates a strong bond and foundation to build on. Trust increases closeness and safety. When you trust your partner, you’ll feel safer knowing that they have your back. Trusting allows your nervous system to relax and rest.

Reduces conflict

When you trust your partner, you’re more willing to overlook problems and finding a solution to problems. Even if your partner disappoints you, you’re more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Signs of lack of trust and its impact on relationship

With a lack of trust, it’s difficult for your relationship to grow. Without trust your relationship may feel chaotic, unpredictable and full of drama.

Here are six common signs that show lack of trust in a relationship:

  • Feeling like you can’t let your guard down in front of your partner.
  • Feeling like it’s best to take control and do everything yourself.
  • You secretly watch their social media activity.
  • You are suspicious when he receives a text.
  • Imagining the worst when he doesn’t answer his phone.
  • Or you struggle to ask for what you want.
Impact of Lack of Trust

It takes a lot of time for building trust in a relationship. When your partner fails to follow through on promises, you’ll begin to have low expectations of them. Absence of trust can cause a lot of problems in a relationship and it can also influence mental health.

Lack of trust also leads to:

Lack of intimacy: When there’s less trust, intimacy decreases. If your partner is being dishonest, you would want to distance yourself from them, emotionally and physically.

Insecurity: Lack of trust leads to insecurity in relationship. You will start doubting what your partner tells you, and can make you become more controlling. This behavior, of controlling your partner, will push your partner further more.

Negativity: If your partner wronged you, you may end up fixating on this feeling which will eventually fill you with anger towards them. This can also disrupt your connection and closeness.

Depression and anxiety: When there’s no trust in a relationship, that can make you feel depressed and anxious.

Trouble concentrating: Lack of trust can also lead to inability to concentrate, especially if you’re constantly wondering what your partner’s feeling, thinking and doing.

Fear: Lack of trust can also lead to fear. You might start feeling afraid of what your partner will do next.

Looking for a ways for building trust in a relationship and resolve trust issues? 

Building trust in a relationship

When you have built a stable relationship on trust, you will both be free to be your authentic selves and to be comfortable and confident. People in a strong and safe relationship can communicate easily and show care and consideration with each other.

But earning trust it is not easy. Trust must be earned and it takes time. It’s not automatic. And it can’t be demanded. The good news – with effort, trust can be built. Even if there have been issues with trust in your relationship, you can change and build a trusting, secure connection. The first step is recognizing if you have trust issues in your relationship, second to work through disagreements in healthy ways, and then decide to build trust and improve your life relationship.

Here’s what you can do to rebuild trust in a relationship:


Have an open communication. Secrecy is bad and can put an end to the relationship. When your partner is transparent, you’ll begin to feel more at ease, and you’ll let your guard down. Open communication will bring you and your partner closer.

Improve on mistakes

The most important thing in building a relationship is to be honest. If you made a mistake, apologize and make sure to demonstrate your partner that your working on being better.


Practice the art of reflective listening as they share, repeating back to them what you’ve heard so they feel seen and understood. The more you practice this level of honesty, the greater trust you’re building, as well, over the time.


Do things that might make your relationship stronger and collaborate with your partner, because  building trust is a two-way street. This means that an individual must both be honest in their outward behavior and also work on their inner trust issues.


It is really important to show respect to your partner and remember a mutual respect is a must for any healthy and solid relationship. When you respect somebody, regardless of whether you disagree, you are still valuing them.

Building trust in a relationship

A few more tips on how to rebuild trust in a relationship:

  • Create new positive experiences together.
  • Find ways to connect.
  • Keep and follow through on commitments you make.
  • Listen empathetically.
  • Be present with your partner.
  • Acknowledge your mistakes and learn to say I’m sorry.

Remember, you are worthy of building beautiful, trusting and loving relationship, because trust in a relationship is an essential part of a happy, healthy and long-lasting romantic partnership.