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5 Best Ways To Make Stomach Soothing Smoothies

Whenever you have a stomach upset or are feeling bloated, the temptation of running for medicine is always high especially because of the discomfort. However, this kind of an irritation can easily be dealt with using a smoothie if only you have a high quality blender that can help you prepare. There are different ways to make stomach soothing smoothie, but the main secret is in ensuring that you are using the right ingredients for this purpose. All you need are the right ingredients and a reliable blender.

Here are the 5 best ways to make healthy, stomach soothing smoothies:

1. Use Ginger in Your Smoothies

Ginger is one of the first main ingredients you should have in your smoothies. Ginger is known for its effectiveness in soothing the intestinal tracts due to the presence of chemicals that are effective in destroying bad bacteria. Ginger is also good for reducing stomach upset and nausea while at the same time aiding in digestion. You can blend ginger powder together with other ingredients such as coconut water and frozen peaches.

2. Use Chia Seeds

Chia seed is one of the most appreciated superfoods and has been used for years as a good source of energy. You can incorporate the seeds in your smoothies to help soothe when you are having a stomach upset. The seeds have high fiber concentration which is good for your stomach. Chia seeds are also in the family of Demulcents foods which are very effective in eliminating stomach irritation and discomfort. Just add chia seeds to your smoothie and blend with a high quality blender for that healthy drink.

3. Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great plant used to treat different diseases including stomach upset. The gel that oozes out of the plant is an excellent ingredient to use in your smoothies as it works as a demulcent. You can add Aloe Vera gel to any of your smoothies but since you want to deal with stomach upset, consider having other ingredients such as pawpaw, ginger, spinach and yogurt. Avoid fruits such as mangoes as these could deteriorate the condition.

4. Flax Seeds and Hemp

Flax seeds and hemp are in the same demulcent class as chia seeds. With a high quality blender, you can grind them to powder and add them to your smoothies. Basically, when mixed with water or liquid, the seeds create an effective gel which helps soothe the stomach effectively. You should add the grounded seeds to other ingredients such as banana, honey and avocado.

5. Use Bananas

Banana smoothie can be very gentle for your stomach. It works wonders when you have an inflamed and sensitive digestive system. Bananas have been used for centuries and even babies have benefited from this fruit especially when being weaned. This is because bananas are good for dealing with constipation and also provide a great protective coat for the intestines and stomach. As such, banana smoothies will promote healing, especially if the stomach upset is caused by stomach flu or food poisoning.

With these 5 tips, you can easily treat cases of stomach upset by mixing the right amount of ingredients always. However, you should make sure that you have a high quality blender that is able to give you great smoothies and also grind some of your seed ingredients into smooth powder which you can add without getting inconsistent results. Always make sure you have fresh ingredients and if possible, grow those you can in your backyard. This way, you will be guaranteed of ingredients that do not contain pesticides and other harmful elements.