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4 Things to Avoid after Your Laser Skin Treatments

Laser skin resurfacing technology is still one of the most effective ways for men and women of any age to improve the appearance of their skin. Scheduling regular laser treatments will ensure your skin keeps producing high volumes of collagen and elastin, which will result in a noticeably smoother, more radiant appearance.

As much as laser treatments are capable of producing amazing results, how you care for your skin after your treatments matters too. Not caring for your skin after your laser treatments will only leave you feeling disappointed and will require you to schedule treatments more often.

What to Avoid after Your Laser Skin Treatments

Here are a few suggestions on what to avoid after your laser treatments if you want to achieve the most desirable results.

Prolonged periods of sun exposure

Everyone knows how important it is to stay safe in the sun but this is particularly true for anyone who is undertaking laser treatments as it can completely alter your results. After every laser treatment, your skin is hypersensitive, which means the sun can cause lasting damage. To ensure the longevity of your results and prevent any premature ageing, Dr Michael Zacharia suggests that you avoid spending too much time in the sun and purchase a high-quality sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Just make sure that you actually wear the sunscreen every day, whether it’s in rain or shine.

Synthetic moisturisers and creams

In order for your skin to heal after a laser treatment, you need to keep it moisturised. However, not every type of cream or moisturiser is the right fit. Unscented or natural creams are a much better choice than scented or synthetic moisturisers. Aloe Vera creams and gels are always a good choice. Basically, make a point of avoiding any skincare products that are laden with additives as this will only end up irritating your skin.


If you really want to give your skin the best chance to recover after a laser treatment, heavy exercise and hot spas and saunas should be avoided – at least until your skin has healed. If your skin is generally quite sensitive, you should avoid sweating after any type of treatment of this nature if you want to minimise the risk of irritation or infection. The minute your skin has recovered, you can jump straight back into your usual routine. Most patients only need to take it easy for about 5 days after their treatment.

Adjusting your treatment plan

Following your consultation with your doctor, a personalised treatment plan will be developed that you should stick to as closely as possible. Your treatment plan will be tailored to your specific needs and by sticking to a regular schedule, you can be sure that you’ll achieve the best possible results. Whether your appointments are spaced four or six weeks apart, it’s recommended that you attend all of your set appointments to avoid disappointment. Sticking to your treatment plan ensures that you’ll achieve your desired result in the specified time frame.

Following these basic guidelines will put you on the right track to achieving healthy, vibrant skin following your laser skin treatments.