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Things to Consider Before You go For a Brazilian Butt Lift

After losing weight, sometimes you might experience a droop or sag of the buttocks. This might compromise your shape and is usually not a good sight if you are the kind of person who is very concerned about how you look. When that happens, you should not find a reason to panic because there is a solution in Brazilian butt lift. The procedure enhances shapeliness of the gluteal region and offers you rounder, firmer buttocks. Before you consider this procedure, here are a few things you need to remember.

How to prepare for after the procedure

After making a decision to get a Brazilian butt lift, you are supposed to schedule the surgery date, which means you have to do some preparation. This preparing is not just about before the procedure, but you also need to prepare to handle situations after the butt lift. And it’s very important as it determines how your healing process goes, so pay attention to this stage to ensure you don’t run into problems.

Once the procedure is performed, you are required to stick to a compression garment schedule, which could take a few weeks after the surgery. The Brazilian butt lift specialist will also advise you to avoid sitting directly on the buttocks for about 6 weeks from the day the surgery is performed. There are few things you need to consider after the procedure, including having baby wipes because you cannot shower right away. Get a stool softener, find the right post-op vitamins and protein shakes to help in repairing the body, and most importantly buy a boppy pillow for sitting.

Gaining weight before the procedure

Many patients are advised against gaining weight before going to get the Brazilian butt lift. However, depending on the type of body you have, the doctor may decide that you should either gain or lose weight. It’s recommended that you should remain the same weight after the procedure, so make sure not to gain than lose weight after the procedure because the results could shrink along with the other part of your body.

Suitability for buttock augmentation

Also, don’t go for Brazilian butt lift before you are sure you are eligible and it is safe for you. Your eligibility can be decided by your doctor. To be able to have the procedure, you need to be in perfect health since it requires general anesthesia. During the consultation process, you will learn about all the conditions that could prevent you from getting the procedure approved. You need to share history of previous surgeries if any, help the doctor assess your suitability to get the surgery.

Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic or restorative procedure that has become popular that you could consider if you want a firmer and rounder butt. It helps you to enhance the shapeliness of your butt and might be a good way to achieve the shape you have always dreamt about. Before you opt for it, you have to go through a few checks. Make sure your health condition does not put you to risk, and also prepare things that will help you to heal successfully. Get as much information from your doctor as possible so as to understand what to expect.