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Prepare Your Feet for The Summer Season: Homemade Bath and Foot Mask

Summer is here and it’s time to prepare our feet for the hot summer days. Don’t rush to get an expensive pedicure because we’ll help you have a professional pedicure at home. This feet bath and feet mask will make your feet soft and gorgeous and your feet will be ready for your favorite pair of sandals.


Foot Bath
  • 1 tbsp. glycerin
  • 4 tbsp. sea salt
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
Foot Mask
  • 1 tbsp. glycerin
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. rose water

Dip your feet in hot water with salt, glycerin and lemon juice. Soak them for 20 minutes and then use a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin cells. Rinse your feet with warm water.

Once you’re done with the bath, it’s time for the mask. Mix the ingredients in a small bowl until they’re combined. Apply the mask on your feet, put socks on and leave it overnight. Wash your feet in the morning and apply some moisturizing cream.

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