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5 Things That Happen in Your Body When You Stop Eating Meat

People turn to plant-based diets for many reasons; they want to lose weight, feel more energetic, reduce the risk of getting heart diseases etc.

If you’ve ever wondered if it’s OK to stop eating meat and focus on a plant-based diet, we’re telling you GO FOR IT!5-Things-That-Happen-in-Your-Body-When-You-Stop-Eating-Meat-1

Here’s what will happen in your body if you stop eating meat and start eating only plants:

1. You’ll reduce inflammations in your body

If you eat cheese, meat and a lot of processed foods, you may have elevated inflammation levels in your body. Did you know that chronic inflammation has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases and diabetes.

Plant-based meals are high in antioxidants and fibers and that makes them naturally anti-inflammatory.
A study has shown that people who start a plant-based diet and stick to it will dramatically reduce their level of CRP, C-reactive protein which is an indicator of inflammation in your body.

2. You’ll reduce your cholesterol levels

Increased cholesterol can lead to strokes and heart diseases. Meat is rich in saturated fat, which increases the blood cholesterol levels. Many studies show that when people eat only plants their blood cholesterol lowers up to 35%. Plant based, whole-food diets reduce your blood cholesterol levels because they contain small amounts of saturated fats and they contain zero cholesterol. Another good thing about plant-based diets is that they’re rich in fibers and fibers reduce high cholesterol levels.

3. You’ll reduce the chances of getting type 2 diabetes

It’s a proven fact that eating red meat can increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes. People that constantly eat meat have double the chances of developing diabetes than vegans. If you eat meat one a week, you’ll increase your chances of getting diabetes by 74%. You must be wondering: Why would meat cause type 2 diabetes? Well the reason is because animal fat, nitrate preservatives and animal-based iron which are all found in meat damage the pancreatic cells, cause inflammations, weight gain and disrupt the way your insulin functions.

4. You’ll have healthier intestinal microbiome

Microbiome is the collective name of all the microorganisms living in our bodies. These microorganisms are key to having good health. They help the food digestion process, train the immune system, produce critical nutrients, keep the gut tissue healthy and protect us from getting cancer. One study has shown that microorganisms also have a role in diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and autoimmune diseases.

Plant-based diet can help you have a healthier intestinal microbiome. The fibers found in the plant will promote the growth of healthy bacteria found in our gut, will clean the plaque from your blood vessels and decrease the risk of getting a heart attack.

5. You’ll get the right amount and right type of proteins

If you’re a meat eater, you’re probably getting more than 1.5 times the optimal amount of proteins than you need. Unfortunately, this protein does not make you leaner and stronger. It gets stored as fat and it causes weight gain, diabetes, inflammations, heart diseases and cancer.

The proteins found in plant foods are the good proteins that protect us from chronic diseases. If you’re on a plant-based diet, there’s no need to track your protein intake or use protein supplements because your body will get all the healthy proteins it needs.