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Your Teenager and Conditional Licenses: Tips For Safe Beginner Driving

Truly, the challenges of parenthood become more and more taxing and at the same time more and more exciting as time goes by.

This may be partly because the majority of the teenage population of today get more freedom in trying out new stuff as some parents become more willing to let their children have a taste of what it’s like living in the adult world.

One of the earliest entries that these teenagers have in this adult world is in the realm of driving.

The age when teenagers are legally allowed to drive in the United States varies from state to state. Also, traffic rules, traffic regulations, and traffic laws differ among the many different states in the country.

In South Carolina for example, a 15-year-old teenager can already qualify for a conditional driver’s license provided that the young driver has been a holder of a beginner’s permit for a period not less than 180 days.

If you are a parent and you have been recently thinking if you will allow your child to get a conditional license or if your child is currently on a conditional license, you have come to the right place.

We have gathered here some of the best tips specially catered to help beginner drivers. Go ask your child to read this with you and do not forget to take down mental notes!

Tip #1: A Sure and Safe Driver Is Far Better Than A Fast and Reckless Driver

Driving does not have to be a dangerous enterprise. Do not let your emotions dictate your mood while driving. If you happen to pass by a rude driver, always practice patience and alertness.

You are just starting out in your driving journey and you will inevitably encounter these kinds of drivers in the near future. As early as now practice defensive driving. Keep in mind that a slow, sure and safe driver is better than a fast and reckless driver.

In case you get yourself involved in a car accident, you should immediately call for prompt medical attention. Also you should get the services of an experienced and reliable car accident lawyer in case your case pushes through in the court.

Consider picking local lawyers who specialize in this field of personal injury law like the legal counsels at your local Charleston law firms.

Tip #2: Mirrors are Your Best Friends

Always keep in mind that having your rearview mirror and the side mirrors perfectly aligned and adjusted to suit your driving view is very important.

The car mirrors are there to help you uncover potential blind spots. These mirrors also help you to become more aware of the condition of the traffic surrounding you.

Pro Tip: To check if you have correctly adjusted your side mirrors and are not missing any blind spots, drive your car in reverse and pass a parked car as you are looking in your side mirror. You should see the parked car in your peripheral vision as soon as the parked car disappears from the view of the side mirror.

Tip #3: Avoid Distractions At All Costs

As you are just starting out on your driving journey, you are going to need the least possible distractions. As cliche as it may sound, “do not drink and drive” is one of the most important pieces of driving advice you will get in your life.

Also, you should avoid eating while driving. As you are still new to all of this, a seemingly little thing like eating can still be a big distraction for you if you are not careful.