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Your Brain’s Best Day: Make Your 24 Hours Healthy, Happy and Smart With These Brain Tips

Make your brain healthier and dive into a 24-hour adventure that will make you happier and smarter. Researchers confirmed that making some lifestyle changes can make a significant difference in your brain’s health.

Experts have helped us map out the next 24 hours and turn them into the most ideal healthy day for your brain.

6:30 a.m

Sleeping 6-8 hours a night can help cognition. As we sleep,our body clears the brain from waste, such as beta-amyloid, a toxic peptide that occurs in the brains of people that have Alzheimer’s. Wake up refreshed.

7 a.m

Pour yourself a cup of coffee. Coffee consumption can help cognition and possibly reduce the risk of dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

7:30 a.m

Have a cup of oatmeal with nuts and blueberries. Foods that are high in fiber digest more slowly and sugar is slowly released into the bloodstream. This stabilizes your blood sugar levels and keeps your brain energized.

8 a.m

Brush your teeth. One study has found a bacteria related to gum disease in the brains of people that suffer from Alzheimer’s.

9 a.m

Take a quick walk outdoors. Daylight suppresses secretion of melatonin, which is the sleep hormone. This  will help even help you sleep better at night.

9:30 a.m

Do some bird watching while you’re outside. It’s a form of mental exercise that can strengthen the neural circuits.

10 a.m

Maybe try practicing tying different knots, exercising your brain’s ability to concentrate, remember and focus.

11 a.m

Gratitude means greater happiness and happiness is good for your brain. So write a little thank-you note and don’t be shy.


Have some bean soup for lunch. Legumes are an incredible source of vitamin B folate, which promote brain health. Start consuming more peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, spinach and kale.

1 p.m

Play a game, share a story or simply make someone laugh. Laughter and happiness is good for the brain.

2 p.m

Meet up with a friend to talk about culture, film or books. Face to face communications can increase the neural connections in your brain.

3 p.m

Drive without GPS. This way you’ll activate your brain more.

4 p.m

Grab a musical instrument. It’s proven that making music has an “age-decelerating” effect in the brain. You can also try singing.

4:30 p.m

Use social media less. Scrolling through social media can make you feel discouraged and depressed. A study found that people who are depressed have a reduction in memory.

5:30 p.m

Have a piece of fish with some Brussels sprouts. Fish contains omega-3 which is great for your brain’s health. Brussels sprouts contain glucosinolates that fight against inflammation.

6:30 p.m

Dance! One study shows hat learning new dances can increase neural connections in older people’s brains.

8 p.m

Shut down all electronics. The blue light that comes from computers, TVs and smartphones suppresses your brain’s production of melatonin.

10:30 p.m

Turn down your thermostat and go to bed. People tend to fall asleep quicker and sleep more deeply when the room is a bit cool.