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Winter Bachelorette Parties Don’t Have To Be A Drag!

When the bride-to-be told you that you would be in charge of her bachelorette party, what went through your head? If you’re like most in that situation, it was a mixture of fear and excitement: you’re honored that you were chosen, but you immediately start feeling the pressure to make it a memorable evening.

And all that fear and excitement doubles when you realize that you have to plan the bachelorette party for winter.  What is there to do during the winter months? In summer, at least you have the whole outdoors at your disposal, but during the winter no one wants to hang out at the beach or have a picnic at the park.

Luckily, all is not lost. With some out-of-the-box thinking and a strong wintery theme, you can turn any bachelorette party into a winter wonderland. Here’s a few important rules for pulling it off:

Lean Into It

As the saying goes, “lean into it”. Take that less-than-desirable aspect – in this case, the winter – and instead of avoiding it, draw more attention to it, and make the most of it. Get the bride a sash that says “Ice Queen”; have a “crude” snowman-building competition; play drinking games with candy-cane flavored shots; plan a white-and-blue dress code. There are a ton of ways you can integrate the winter theme into the bachelorette party, all of which can add flair and character to the evening.

Choose Exciting Indoor Activities

Think outside of the bar. To really sell the idea of winter, plan an axe throwing bachelorette party where partygoers attend an axe throwing facility dressed up as lumberjacks – beard, flannel and all! Not only is it an exciting activity that doesn’t leave anyone out in the cold, but it is just unique enough to be memorable. After an axe throwing tutorial, you and the girls get to throw some axes at a wooden plank – it’s up to you whether you want to picture the target as an ex-boyfriend! Plus, a bunch of badass women wielding axes make for an amazing Instagram post!

Warm Up With Some Creative Drinks

There comes a time at most bachelorette parties where you break out the drinks. You can go for the old standbys, the rose wine, the cosmopolitans and coolers, but where is the fun in that? A special occasion calls for some equally special libations, so why not stay on theme with some wintery cocktails? The classic “warm up” cocktail is the polar bear, a delicious mix of hot cocoa and peppermint liqueur. Or whip up a batch of everyone’s favorite, mulled wine, with a mix of warming winter spices, red wine, orange peel and rock sugar.

To conclude, as long as you have a strong theme, some out-of-the-box activities and warming drinks, your winter bachelorette party will be every bit as fantastic and memorable as its summer counterparts. Just make sure everyone gets home safe at the end of the night – baby, it’s cold outside!