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How to Win the Race With a Water Belt for Running

There are many different and varying tactics used by runners to help them mentally and physically prepare for a long distance race. Some focus on using natural supplements such as energy bars or electrolytes to help get them through a race. Fueling your body with extra fat or protein just before a long distance race has worked for many runners before – helping lessen the brutal effects of such a physically challenging task and improving the recovery time afterwards. I see the importance of such filing, however, my source of strength lies within adequate hydration within the race. That’s why I like to use a water belt for running, which helps hold enough water to satisfy my needs during a long distance run. After all, approximately 60% of our body is made up of water – meaning that if you go much lower than 40% you will begin to feel severely dehydrated, giving you less energy, impaired vision, and muscle cramps.

Running in the midday sun is no joke and keeping yourself fully hydrated while running is a very important aspect of a successful performance.  Whether you are running a 2km or 5km race, you need to have a minimum of 500ml hydration bottles on you to get through the race without suffering negative consequences to your body. Muscles need hydration to work properly and water has been shown to actually reduce the amount of wear and tear on your precious leg and glute muscles. Keeping them between the recommended levels of hydration is optimal in order for them to keep “well oiled” and not seize up on you mid run. Having a water bottle holder or a water running belt helps immensely.

What is a water belt for running?

A water belt for running is a water belt that helps you store and carry water on a run. They come in various styles and sizes, some hold a single canteen and others can store several bottles and water packs. You can see a water belt for running, by clicking this link from fitletic. Finding the right water belt for running is a really important aspect of balancing your need for hydration and your need for convenience without hindering your performance.

Improving your performance

Not all performance enhancing aids are vitamins or proteins, as I have mentioned above, the correct levels of hydration throughout the race is just as, if not the most important element to improve your game.  Having the correct hydration belt to evenly distribute the weight of the water between your mid torso will give you the right amount of balance and comfort as you run.

For runs longer that 10km, you know that you will find hydration stops along the way. However, they are just support for what you should actually have with you in between stops.

Personally I find that if I use a belt that holds 2 x 125ml and has enough room for me to stash a couple of protein bars for post-race recovery.

If you are an off track runner, marathon or simply run in a climate that is hot and humid, having the correct hydration belt can benefit you greatly.