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Why Your Hands Go Numb At Night and How to Prevent it!

Have you heard about carpal tunnel syndrome? If you have experienced numbness in your fingers and hands as you fall asleep, you’re probably one of the 10 million Americans that have the syndrome. It’s important to take preventative measures because it can cause long-term damage.

Here are the most effective ways to treat numbness in your hands:

1. Take frequent breaks

If your job requires a lot of repetitive motions with your hands, you need to start having regular breaks. Do a little exercise every 2-3 hours.

2. Keep your wrist straight while you’re working

There is a connection between carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist posture and that’s why it’s important to keep your wrist in a neutral position. Adjust your chair properly! Your forearms must be at a level with your keyboard.

3. Do wrist exercises

Wrist exercises that will stretch the muscles around the wrists can help you prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Try stretching, bending and flexing your wrists.

4. Correct posture

Using a correct posture while working is key to a good health. Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

5. Ice your wrists

Ice can relieve pain in your hands and wrists. Soak your hands in an ice bath for 5-10 minutes to alleviate the pain.