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Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Taking Your Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for your body to develop and function properly. Without them, we might not be able to perform at 100% and it can be difficult to get through the day. Here’s a little more information about how to get enough vitamins each day as well as more information about each vitamin.

Ways To Consume Enough Vitamins Daily

Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to get the recommended amount of vitamins every single day. You can simply make it a point to get enough vitamins in the food that you are consuming. Some individuals do find, however, that this is difficult for them to do so on a consistent basis. If you are looking for an easier way to get enough vitamins each day, consider taking gummy vitamins for adults. They taste great and are actually a fun way to ensure that you get the required amount of vitamins that you should have without having to make any dietary changes.

The Types Of Vitamins

In total, there are 13 essential items that we need. There are broken down into two categories: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble Vitamins

These types of vitamins get stored in the fatty tissues of our body. They tend to be absorbed a lot easier when dietary fat is present. These vitamins include:

-Vitamin A is used to form and maintain bones, mucous membranes, soft tissue, teeth and skin. If you aren’t getting enough Vitamin A you may have dry eyes or skin.

-Vitamin D is important for maintaining healthy teeth, proper blood levels and for bone health. Those that have a Vitamin D deficiency will experience soft bones and may even get sick more frequently.

-Vitamin E is needed so that our bodies can form more red blood cells. An individual who has a Vitamin E deficiency may experience muscle weakness.

-Vitamin K acts as a coagulate so that our blood sticks together. If you have excessive bleeding from a cut or you bruise easily, you may have a Vitamin K deficiency.

Water-soluble Vitamins

These types of vitamins are used by the body right away. For the most part, whatever is not used is excreted from our bodies in our urine. The only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in our bodies is Vitamin B12. In fact, it can be found in the liver for years. Here are the 9 different water-soluble vitamins and what they do:

-Vitamin B6 is needed to form red blood cells as well as maintaining proper brain function. If you aren’t getting enough Vitamin B, you may feel tired all of the time and be low on energy.

-Vitamin B12 is crucial when it comes to maintaining our central nervous system. Those with a Vitamin B12 deficiency may experience poor balance and fatigue.

-Vitamin C is used by our bodies to promote the healing of wounds and maintain the health of both our teeth and gums. An individual that has a Vitamin C deficiency may bruise easily and have wounds that heal slowly.

-Biotin helps our bodies produce hormones as well as cholesterol. If you have a Biotin deficiency you might experience hair loss and numbness.

-Niacin is used to promote skin and nerve health. Those who have a Niacin deficiency may experience headaches or gingivitis.

-Folate is essential for tissue growth and the function of our cells. An individual with a Folate deficiency may experience fatigue and pale skin.

-Pantothenic acid helps us metabolize our food. Those with a Pantothenic deficiency might experience irritability and gastrointestinal problems.

-Riboflavin increases the production of our red blood cells. You may have a Riboflavin deficiency if you are experiencing scaly skin and inflammation.

-Thiamine allows our bodies to turn carbohydrates into energy. Those with a Thiamine deficiency may experience issues with coordination and muscle weakness.

As you can see, vitamins are essential for our daily health. If you think that you have a vitamin deficiency, you can often remedy it by trying to incorporate healthier foods into your diet or by taking a multivitamin. Don’t put off getting the necessary amount of vitamins each day as it can be very detrimental to your overall health.