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Why Vein Disorders Are More Common in Women

Vein disorders are common to both men and women. However, there appears to be a clear difference between how this condition affects men and women. When it comes to venous disorders, multiple studies confirm that women are susceptible to developing these conspicuous, purple, yet painless vessels. However, before looking at the main reasons why the number of women suffering from vein disorders is higher than that observed in men, this write-up intends to shed more light of some of the leading causes of varicose veins in either gender.

Causes of varicose veins
Weak valves

Arteries are responsible for channeling blood from your heart to the rest of the body, while veins return blood to the heart. How these vessels work might give you some hint why veins are affected. Veins, especially those in your legs are often forced to work harder considering that they have to work against gravity. When these vein valves are damaged, blood flows backward thus pooling in your evens. This creates a bulge in varicose veins.


As much as there might be many factors that might put you at risk of suffering from varicose veins, genetics too can have a hand. Clinical studies reveal that close to 70% of patients suffering from varicose veins have a relative with varicose veins.


Being overweight is linked to the development of vein disorders like varicose veins. The effects of being overweight are worst felt in women although the exact reason for this disparity is yet to be established. However, it is believed that extra body weight subjects the veins to additional pressure, which puts you at risk of developing varicose veins.

Sedentary lifestyle

Your body’s blood circulation does not function, as it should when you spend long periods of time seated or standing. Poor blood circulation, especially around your legs, puts you at risk of suffering from varicose veins and other vein disorders. As a result, it is advisable to take frequent breaks and change of position especially if your job requires you to maintain a specific position for long hours.

Certain Skincare routines and fashion

Your skin care routine matters a lot when it comes to causing or dealing varicose veins. For instance, cutting your veins during regular shaving in certain parts of the body might disrupt your blood flow patterns, thus pilling pressure on your veins. On the other hand, some aspects of being fashionable like wearing heeled shoes for extended periods can also make you susceptible to suffering from varicose veins. The inclined position makes the calf to remain stuck in a single position thus preventing blood from being circulated properly.

Making Love

Both men and women at risk of suffering from varicose veins. However, some researchers have substantial grounds to believe that women are more susceptible to varicose veins than men are. The estrogen factors along with the possibility of being pregnant are believed to be among the main causes of varicose veins IN WOMEN. During pregnancy, women are subjected to hormonal changes and increased body weight and blood volume. In addition, increased estrogen levels linked the use of contraceptives, pregnancy or estrogen replacement therapy make women susceptible to varicose.

In case you suffer from any vein disorder, getting a consultation with your physician or a vein doctor is a good idea. Medical help is often recommended when age, inactivity, genetics, leg injury, and weight gain are believed to be the primary causes. Also, it is imperative to check with your insurance to see whether the treatment needed is covered. In most instances, health insurance covers all form of treatments offered if your veins are painful.